View Full Version : Worrying about cancer is ruining my life

14-06-17, 21:35
I've always been a hypochondriac but lately, it's been out of control. All I can think about is cancer. I think I have brain, eye, nose, mouth, throat, breast, stomach, colorectal, vaginal and skin cancer. I know that having all of these at the same time is basically impossible and if I did I'd already be knocking on death's door but I've convinced myself I'm dying. It's literally all I can think about, I can't stop. Can someone snap me out of this?

14-06-17, 22:43
I've been the same exact way...I've been trying to stay off google.

15-06-17, 00:17
I get these same fears & very frequently. I'm very anxious which produces physical symptoms of various kinds & then I'm thinking it's cancer or some other catastrophic thing that is life threatening. I really feel your pain & anxiety, it's horrid. I really need emotional support

15-06-17, 00:43
I get this as well. As soon as I'm reassured that I don't have one kind of cancer or other life-threatening illness I convince myself I've got a different one! At times in my life it's hit points where I've even neglected to make long-term future plans with the belief I might not even be alive in a year's time. The only thing which really reassures me is that most of the illnesses I convince myself I've got are very rare, especially for my demographic and age group, so it's unlikely to be the specific thing I'm worried about.

15-06-17, 12:23
Welcome to my world! I've been given the "all clear," but it's still there. Hang tough!

15-06-17, 17:00
I am right there with you! Struggling myself right now. :wacko:

15-06-17, 21:47
I'm there too .I used to think 'After this one I won't go down this road again' - but of course I did and still am. Over and over again. When the fear hits no one can convince me that I don't have cancer. It started with a brain tumour, the throat, stomach,kidney skin, co rectal - you name it I had it,. At first the GP could reassure me. Then it took a second visit, then a consultant, scan and investigation. At times I have really thought I can break out of it. I have a brilliant GP and have had CBT but when a big one hits the fear transcends everything. I am going through a bad one right now but when I look at the tower block in London I feel so angry with myself. Those people went to aed believeing they would get up in the morning and overnight some were killed, others injured and hundreds homeless and here I am worried about 'what if'. I hate myself for it as I think we all do.