View Full Version : Funniest/weirdest things you've done to stop a panic attack?

14-06-17, 22:41
Was just having a small panic attack and thought it might be fun and a good diversion to see what sort of funny things I could do to make the panic attack stop.

I think the funniest thing I have ever done to stop a panic attack is run in place and just pretend the adrenaline is from exercising, lol.

17-06-17, 18:09
I always try to do star jumps or if I can run up and down the stairs. That way if I can do them then there is nothing wrong with me. As you know you just believe your about to die. But surely you can't do star jumps if your dying and it always makes the panic attacks end sooner

17-06-17, 23:15
Lol. How silly !! I can see how that would work ! Thanks for sharing. And you're right, we always use that logic of, surely I'm not dying IF I can do this !

29-06-17, 17:16
I stand in front of an aircon so i freeze and shiver. helps me every time!