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View Full Version : I'm back!!

14-06-17, 22:59
Hello all again,

I have a question for anyone who might be able to help me. About a week ago, (maybe even earlier), I noticed I had a small lump on the under side of my tongue. It has been painful since I discovered it. Unfortunately, it has not gone away and I can't tell if it has even gotten larger. I am not totally freaking out at the moment...but it's starting to concern me a little bit.

I attempted to attach a photo of it, but I do not know if it worked or not. Anyway, it's concerning me because it hasn't gone away...every other bump I have had in my mouth has gone away after less than a week (save a canker sore) so it's a little concerning.

14-06-17, 23:05
I had something similar, it was a blocked salivary gland. That said, it wasn't quite that big, nor was it painful at all. Our dentist does a pretty good exam for all oral issue, but you could get it checked by a doctor too I suspect. I would imagine it is an infected or irritated saliva gland, but I am in no way qualified to diagnose anything.

Catherine S
14-06-17, 23:10
As lofwyr says we can't diagnose, only a doctor or dentist can do that, we can only tell you what it might be, but wouldn't you rather know for sure instead of all of us just guessing?


15-06-17, 00:11
I'm just so sick and tired of something new always popping up when I'm relaxed and not a wreck about my health. Now I'm scared I have oral cancer. It's almost becoming a chore just to live.

15-06-17, 01:00
As has been said, if you're that concerned, see your doctor. That being said, it doesn't look "angry" to me.

Positive thoughts

17-06-17, 13:42
I honestly have to laugh at myself sometimes. I find it funny that I can just jump from one problem to the next. :roflmao:

It's almost like if I don't have something to worry about, I won't know what to do with myself. :)