View Full Version : Bumped head getting into car and now scared I got brain damage?

14-06-17, 23:52
Is this likely? I feel so dumb and clumsy and now have a bit of a headache.

15-06-17, 00:38
Nah you're good. I had a fear similar to that a little while ago. I fell off of a chair and hit the back of my head on tile. Not fun. If you didn't black out you're most likely just fine. Signs to look for though include: severe headache with nausea and double vision. Those are the top two. And you usually only have to look out for those for no longer than 48 hours.

15-06-17, 14:31
I have a slight headache but otherwise feel fine! I slept though the night no problem and feel a bit better this morning but I am still very scared. My parents said I just have headache because I bumped my head and it might be a bit sore but im scared of brain bleeding or a concussion

15-06-17, 14:43
Skulls are made for knocks. You'll be fine.

15-06-17, 15:19
I can't tell if I have symptoms? Or if I should go to ER? It is such an embarassing issue

15-06-17, 15:21
I have a slight headache but otherwise feel fine!

Well there's your answer, surely?

15-06-17, 15:31
Yeah I'm not sure if a slight headache is enough reason to go to ER. I'm just really worried I have a concussion or something

15-06-17, 15:34
Yeah no a slight headache is normal. Your just a little sore from the impact but its not anything that will actually cause damage. The headache I was referring to for actual brain damage is a "worse headache of your life" type of headache. Like splitting pain, can't see straight, vomitting, toppling over type of headache. You sound perfectly fine to me.

15-06-17, 15:46
Think if you punched your leg and it came up in a bruise. Isn't it normal to ache, be tender or have some pain. Same with the head.

People get hit in the head probably in the millions every day. Kids fall over every day.

Unless you have concussion symptoms, you wouldn't go to A&E. When my mum worked in schools the paramedics would come in to talk about this sort of thing and said unless there were symptoms such as being knocked unconscious, vomiting, etc there was no need to do anything.

You may get some nausea anyway as headaches can cause that and having a shock can too.

15-06-17, 15:46
Yeah I'm not sure if a slight headache is enough reason to go to ER.

Even if you had concussion (which nothing suggests you have) most of the time it's just a case of resting up till you feel better.

From NHS Direct:

When to seek medical advice
As a precaution, it is recommended that you visit your nearest accident and emergency (A&E) department if you or someone in your care has a head injury resulting in concussion and then develops any of the following signs and symptoms:

loss of consciousness from which the person then recovers
amnesia (memory loss), such as not being able to remember what happened before or after the injury
persistent headaches since the injury
changes in behaviour, such as irritability, being easily distracted or having no interest in the outside world – this is a particularly common sign in children under the age of five
drowsiness that goes on for longer than an hour when you would normally be awake
a large bruise or wound to the head or face
prolonged vision problems, such as double vision
reading or writing problems
balance problems or difficulty walking
loss of power in part of the body, such as weakness in an arm or leg
clear fluid leaking from the nose or ears (this could be cerebrospinal fluid, which normally surrounds the brain)
a black eye with no other damage around the eye
sudden deafness in one or both ears

So no, a mild headache when you give your head a quick thwack is a waste of ER's time.

15-06-17, 17:18
I caved and am going to the doctor. Hopefully I'll be fine

15-06-17, 18:20
Got my "Told ya so" all ready ;)

15-06-17, 19:59
He said it's nothing serious but since I did have a headache I should limit my screen use and not workout for a day or two. He said if I was going to die, I would've last night. He said it wasn't at the level of even a mild concussion but it's good to be careful after whacking your head

15-06-17, 20:28
Here's your "Told ya so!" ;)

Positive thoughts

16-06-17, 20:28
I keep worrying that my symptoms are symptoms of brain damage. I'm feeling numbness in my face but I could be imagining it. I keep thinking I'm going to start having a brain bleed

16-06-17, 21:00
I keep worrying that my symptoms are symptoms of brain damage. I'm feeling numbness in my face but I could be imagining it. I keep thinking I'm going to start having a brain bleed

He said it's nothing serious but since I did have a headache I should limit my screen use and not workout for a day or two. He said if I was going to die, I would've last night. He said it wasn't at the level of even a mild concussion but it's good to be careful after whacking your head

Positive thoughts

18-06-17, 17:00
Update eyes still hurt when I read, really scared I got lasting damage but doctor said I'd be fine so idk if I need to go in again

18-06-17, 17:22
Update eyes still hurt when I read, really scared I got lasting damage but doctor said I'd be fine so idk if I need to go in again Hey it's ok listen the skull is really quite resilient to a few knocks here and there the times I have hit my head on something is many (due to coordination problems I have to live it and get on with it) I am still here. If your dr was remotely concerned he would have sent you for a X-Ray and if he was really concerned would have sent you for MRI scan simple as :) And no you don't need to go and see you dr again and don't dr google either Enjoy this wonderful weather (not sure if it's day break where you are) and don't sit on here waiting to be told yes go back to your dr either hopefully I have reassured you! Cheers