View Full Version : Abdominal aneurysm?

15-06-17, 04:20
So the other day I was having severe anxiety and my abdomen was pulsating at the same rate as my heart rate... I'm thin like 100 pounds.. anyways this evening I felt my carotid artery pulse without touching it. Like I felt it beat on its own for a brief 2 seconds. Could that be the result of an aneurysm that broke off and is traveling in my blood stream? I know this is super scattered and not cohesive but I had to stop myself from googling before I went off into a spiral.

16-06-17, 18:35
Hi worrygirl!

I hope this can put your mind at ease some, although I'm no doctor.

I was referred for an abdominal ultrasound that I had yesterday. Unbeknownst to me, the reason was because my doctor had felt the aortic pulse strongly in my stomach during palpation because I had some pain. (I too am very slim). At the ultrasound when the sonographer told me this, she turned the screen around and commented on my 'beautiful, perfect aorta'. She said for a female, especially of my age (late twenties), it would be very, very unlikely. She also said she has many referrals like this, and that in slim people it's very common and normal to feel the pulse.

Don't google! ��