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15-06-17, 06:21
Were anxiety is not there. Give me something to look forward too.

I was talking to my daughter and my vision went completely black for a split second. I don't know if I feel off, (I feel like I'm not breathing in air, head feels light like I'll pass out, anxiety that I'm dying, I'm getting palps or chest is dealing with muscle twitches). Ummmm yeah a split millisecond of blindness. Talking to my daughter. I know for sure I did not blink because my eyes are dry and I feel a discomfort when I blink, I thought maybe me hair or glasses got in the way, while looking at her but I tried recreating that same level of blackness and I couldn't the hair I could still see the bright light of the kitchen and with the glasses the same. And the fact that I just feel weird. I tried explaining but I can't really. I just got that cold sweat feeling.

I mean could something be going on?
I was extemely stressed today, maybe I'm just tired?

15-06-17, 06:31
I think just tired...I've read similar things on here where people have black vision briefly.
I would see how you feel in the morning.
Vision went black in both eyes? My mom had that happen in one eye, and it was a stroke, she found out about a week later. But that would be ONE eye. You lost both?

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15-06-17, 06:47
I think just tired...I've read similar things on here where people have black vision briefly.
I would see how you feel in the morning.
Vision went black in both eyes? My mom had that happen in one eye, and it was a stroke, she found out about a week later. But that would be ONE eye. You lost both?

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Both eyes.
With the way I'm feeling it crossed my mind that maybe stroke. My eyes are hurting right now that I started crying, will more like tearing up.

Did you mom go completely blind in one eye or just a second?
Sinus issues maybe?? Could it cause the blindness?? I've been sneezing really hard lately that is hurts my head.

15-06-17, 06:57
Both eyes seems weird for a stroke! Those are one sided....I found this thread from another anxiety site:


If you were my mom or my best friend, I would tell you to go see your doctor and ask her if she thinks you should get an eye appt. I honestly don't think it's anything other than stress, but I would be worried bc its uncommon (although certainly not unheard of) to be anxiety alone.
Sinuses wouldn't cause that, as far as I know. Itchy, dry maybe painful eyes but not blindness.

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15-06-17, 07:12
I am talking to my husband and I keep forgetting words.

He's telling me it's just me being tired. But with the blindness..... I don't have a doctor. My only option is ER but it's has to be legit no what ifs. I don't have insurance.

15-06-17, 11:18
Unfortunately I don't have time to elaborate as much as I'd like, but all I will say is that if you want that day, go out and get it. Don't assume that "good days" just happen. They don't. They're part of a mindset. I appreciate you're having challenging symptoms - I had challenging symptoms too. They all went away in time, but I had to seek out these better days and bring them to me.

If you started that work today, that day you're crying out for could be a lot closer than you think.