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09-05-07, 18:30
i couldnt even do my art exam today..its the worst attack ive had in ages..i couldnt move :(
does anyone else get this in exams?
i got them through my gcses but i still managed to pass all of them!
im just sitting my as levels now and luckily ive been told i can sit them on my own..but recently im getting them anywhere..
im worried this will never go away
how long does cognitive therapy take to start working? i have my first session friday :) xx

09-05-07, 18:35

I had panic attacks when I did my GCSE's also, it was tough, does your examiner/teacher know about them? Also you said how long does cbt take to start working, its different with everyone so its hard to say really but give it a go you may find it helpful. Take deep breaths before/during your exam and that should help calm your nerves.

x x

09-05-07, 18:38
they didnt know about it when i did my GCSEs - i was embarrased about it so i just sat it out..but i was proud of myself for sitting through them and managing to pass them..this time around it seems harder somehow..
my teachers know about them..i told them about a month ago because i havent been turning up to some lessons because i simply cant go :(

09-05-07, 18:43
I had exsactly that promblem last year when i took my A levels. I ended up having a panic attack and walking out of an exam. Luckly it was just genral studies so it didnt matter much. They arranged them for me to do them on my own in a seporate room. This i could just about do. Most of the examerners were really kind and understanding. You shouldnt feel ashamed by it. I found taking a bottle of wter into the exam really helped. Once i had got in the room it took me a wgile to calm down. But at least when your on your own, if you need a brake you can step outside for some air.
I really hope you exams go well. I found i felt so much better after i had compleated an exam. Try not to be too hard on yoursewlf and take time to relax. It will be hard but you can do hun.
Take care

09-05-07, 19:07
blackie ive sent you a private message xx