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15-06-17, 13:26
Is it possible to have eczema on one arm and fungal on the other? Nurse said one was eczema and it has been clearing up but the other one was slightly different. Just went to see pharmacist who said it looked fungal.

15-06-17, 13:32
I honestly need to stop acting how i do. I'm sorry for my constant posting and I'm sorry that ive seemingly ignored advice. I need help. I need to take control because this is making me so unhappy and taking over my personality.

How is another symptom/reassurance post an "update"?

Positive thoughts

15-06-17, 13:37
More importanlt importantlyI shouldve added that I have self referred for Cbt. after a run around of SIX different places I found one that my borough works under. Had one woman laugh while I was crying...

15-06-17, 14:41
More importanlt importantlyI shouldve added that I have self referred for Cbt. after a run around of SIX different places I found one that my borough works under. Had one woman laugh while I was crying...

Well that's really good, even if you had to go round the houses for it. I had a much easier and pleasant experience, but I guess it depends on your local authority. We all appreciate this as a big step and all we ever wanted you to do from the start. I hope it works out.

And in the meantime...

I'm quite disappointed you started this thread with guff about rashes. You need to break that habit, and still try and stick to it while you wait for therapy. Literally no-one cares about your rashes. We do care about you getting help, genuinely, and seriously.

Remember, in fear of repeating myself, no-one is interested in talking about your freckles, cat worms, phantom smells... these are random mind-farts causes by your anxiety, you should learn not to give them the time of day, and we don't want to either. When you find yourself starting to post about symptoms... stop... remember this is another random manifestation of the same thing that made you post about all the other 200 things you've found yourself posting about, which without exception all fizzled out into nothing.

Notice how much more helpful and friendly people are when you actually discuss anxiety? Because that's what we actually come here to do.

And equally (indeed more importantly) when you find yourself asking for reassurance from friends and family... the same applies. Fight the urge.

All good luck with the CBT, I hope it doesn't take too long to get it. I've been told at least three months, but it varies between authorities. But however long it takes the countdown has now been started for getting help for this thing, it will take work, and it will take determination, but remember you can do it.

15-06-17, 14:45
Just came off the phone and was recommended CBT. He said if that doesn't work there are medications I could try. I have a 4-6 week wait now.

I've been sent some before but any online recommendations while I wait?

15-06-17, 14:53
Just came off the phone and was recommended CBT. He said if that doesn't work there are medications I could try. I have a 4-6 week wait now.

I've been sent some before but any online recommendations while I wait?

4-6 weeks is good going compared to some.

Moodgym is good - https://moodgym.anu.edu.au/welcome, though it doesn't get to the crux of HA, but gives some good foundations for CBT-based thinking.

This NHS leaflet is great if you've not seen it before https://www.ntw.nhs.uk/pic/leaflets/Health%20Anxiety%20A4%202016%20FINAL.pdf

---------- Post added at 14:53 ---------- Previous post was at 14:49 ----------

Perhaps logging off and not feeding your anxiety would be a good start? Let us know when you get your appointment!

Positive thoughts

I do second this - doing well when not posting here was a definite chicken/egg type thing (were you not posting because you were doing better, or doing better because you weren't posting?). I know at my very worst this place was harmful for me - lots of triggering posts (one actually sent me on a spiral by putting something in my head I hadn't thought of), and a huge compulsion to start posting symptom posts.

Maybe check-in in 'Misc' from time to time to say hello and if you need general support, but avoid the HA forum itself?

15-06-17, 15:50
How is another symptom/reassurance post an "update"?

Positive thoughts

LOL I actually laughed when i read the title and then the post. I laughed even harder when I read this

15-06-17, 17:36
But LOL jackrabbit did you read on to see I've sought help?

15-06-17, 17:47
Yeah helen I did. And for your sake I really hope it works. Good luck.

15-06-17, 18:51
Just came off the phone and was recommended CBT. He said if that doesn't work there are medications I could try. I have a 4-6 week wait now.

I've been sent some before but any online recommendations while I wait?

What type of CBT? Group or one-to-one therapy Helen?

15-06-17, 19:20
He said it can be both over the phone and 1:1

15-06-17, 21:28
I think he said it'll be both for some reason, depends on who I get. Or where I'll be. I was relieved to have foind one I wasn't paying that much attention. did say I prefer 1:1 as I was offered Skype too!

16-06-17, 20:05
Met a few friends and family past few days who habe given me home truths. But i still worry about a) rash arm one b) bump on freckle arm 2 (potentially scab f4o dry skon) c) spot on lip i worry is freckle d) freckle im not sure has always been raised

I need to sort myself out

17-06-17, 05:44
But LOL jackrabbit did you read on to see I've sought help?

You are not the first recipient of tough love here and no one is laughing at you. Sometimes I laugh at stuff like this because it reminds of how ridiculous I sound at times. The tough love is the only thing that ever helped me confront my HA. Seeking reassurance is like a junkie convincing themselves that they need just one more fix. It's part of our condition that we must overcome if we want to be well.

17-06-17, 08:54
Met a few friends and family past few days who habe given me home truths. But i still worry about a) rash arm one b) bump on freckle arm 2 (potentially scab f4o dry skon) c) spot on lip i worry is freckle d) freckle im not sure has always been raised

I need to sort myself out

Helen, when you find yourself writing about freckles, or rashes, or scabs hit delete and stop doing it. It's getting irritating now, and I feel like you've taken a step forward by acknowledging you need help and seeking it, but people will start to lose their goodwill if you continue listing your fantasy "symptoms". We don't want to hear it, we're not interested in that, and you're still fishing for reassurance. Your specific fears are white noise. Treat them like that.

You've posted over 200+ threads about different things that all fizzled into nothing. Use your brain and tell yourself these are just more in a long list of nothings. And I reiterate, we are not interested hearing every one of your anxiety's daft mind-farts.

17-06-17, 19:35
https://ibb.co/c94ACk almenotic melanoma? pharmacist said it lookee fungal but I'm feeling unsure and uneasy. 99.9% of pictures look different but if i find one thay lools remotely like mine I panic.

My friend said she has a similar heat rash past few weeks on her wrist.

---------- Post added at 19:35 ---------- Previous post was at 17:59 ----------

it fades when I use fungal cream and scabby bit has disappeared but still scared.

17-06-17, 20:15
https://ibb.co/c94ACk almenotic melanoma? pharmacist said it lookee fungal but I'm feeling unsure and uneasy. 99.9% of pictures look different but if i find one thay lools remotely like mine I panic.

My friend said she has a similar heat rash past few weeks on her wrist.

---------- Post added at 19:35 ---------- Previous post was at 17:59 ----------

it fades when I use fungal cream and scabby bit has disappeared but still scared.

Don't be silly Helen! You can hardly even see it - very faint :lac:

Concentrate on your up-coming therapy. When will it be?

17-06-17, 20:30
4 week wait KK, cant come quick enough! to you does it look like heat/fungal?

17-06-17, 21:08
When I was offered CBT, I was contacted directly by a therapist who said we could either do it over the phone or in person. Given that I was practically suicidal and an increasing danger to myself, I couldn't believe they thought the phone was an option. Just shows what the NHS can be like. The services are overwhelmed and they'll do anything to give you the bare minimum. I insisted on face-to-face and it helped turn my life around. Make sure you push for what you need. If you feel phone sessions aren't enough, tell them.

17-06-17, 21:25
Server, I got laughed at one point because I was crying! I went from pillar to post and palmed off until found the one I could be seen through. I expect a letter now I assume?

17-06-17, 22:09
I don't know what will happen, to be honest. In my case, it was my therapist who made first contact once I was in the system, and we arranged everything between us. So you may get a call from your assigned therapist.

17-06-17, 22:22
I'm no doc but I had a good look and it appears like a fine arm specimen to me. Perhaps fungal but certainly not sinister (IMO). Do you also have tattoo on arm?

I strongly agree with Server that you should insist on one-to-one therapy. Not phone, Skype or group therapy.

17-06-17, 23:07
it is fading slightly as i use the cream so maybe its fine.

I have found a red mark under butt cherk I'm now worrying aout. FS.

17-06-17, 23:25
Butt cheek? You been sitting on something? Chair? :shrug:

18-06-17, 04:03
Why are you looking at your butt cheeks?

18-06-17, 09:00
https://ibb.co/c94ACk almenotic melanoma? pharmacist said it lookee fungal but I'm feeling unsure and uneasy. 99.9% of pictures look different but if i find one thay lools remotely like mine I panic.

My friend said she has a similar heat rash past few weeks on her wrist.

---------- Post added at 19:35 ---------- Previous post was at 17:59 ----------

it fades when I use fungal cream and scabby bit has disappeared but still scared.

Helen, I'm done with you. I'm not spending time trying to help someone who has no interest in listening to advice. I thought progress was being made, and it's still good you've sought therapy, but you have no interest in listening to people who are telling you to STFU about your ridiculous fantasy symptoms and actually try, for once, to ignore them. Do you even understand why people get irritated about this? Do you even care? Do you even know that these stupid thoughts are arbitrary and meaningless and are just the same pattern as every other daft thing your anxiety has popped into your head?

I feel like such an idiot for thinking progress was being made here. I hope you finally get the message when your therapy comes through, but you have to be aware someone isn't going to wave a magic wand in those sessions - someone will teach you the skills to cope, but you need to actually take onboard advice and do work yourself to get over it. You need to be prepared to show the willingness to listen and to put effort into recovery, which you're not showing an iota of on here.

You said in your previous thread your family are at the end of their ropes and your boyfriend may leave you. If you're telling the truth to us, s***'s got real, stop titting around in your self-absorbed bubble banging on about the boring rubbish your anxiety's putting in your head, and sort yourself out.

Seriously, good good luck with your therapy. I am rooting for you. But I can't watch you keep posting this rubbish.

18-06-17, 22:50
I really want to tear my skin off. Any bit of red skin, spots, eczema I'm freaking out about. The above rash has gone donwn since using thrush cream, but i have spots and red bits all over. My mom won't check to ease me either so panic ensued

19-06-17, 00:12
Your mum is doing the right thing.

19-06-17, 07:35
Does the rash look like almenotic melanoma? pharmacist said it looked fungal.

Catherine S
19-06-17, 08:58
As every child psychologist knows, to some children, even being told off is fine because it's still giving them attention, still letting them know they aren't being ignored, because being ignored is the worst thing that can happen to them. They hate being ignored.

Some 'adults' never grow out of this and they remain constant attention/reassurence seekers and end up on forums like this one. So why don't we do the same as her mum does, and stop giving her the attention she craves like an addict. Wouldn't that help her much more in the long run? Because I'm pretty sure it would help her mum if this cycle was broken instead of enabling helen to carry on seeking attention.


19-06-17, 09:35
I've placed glass over it and it disappears so assuming if it was pink mole it wouldn't??

Gary A
19-06-17, 09:37
Does the rash look like almenotic melanoma? pharmacist said it looked fungal.

The rash improved in appearance when treated with anti fungal medication. Melanoma in any form wouldn't do that.

Please stop playing dumb.

19-06-17, 09:41
Because I'm pretty sure it would help her mum if this cycle was broken instead of enabling helen to carry on seeking attention.


Agreed, I thought progress was being made, but it's not. We're not doing Helen or her family any favours now by playing along with... well, whatever's going on here.

19-06-17, 09:52
Long time since I've been involved in one of Helen's threads. Not sure why I came back really. There's nothing anyone here can do. She's had the best advice fellow sufferers can give, many times over. This cycle will never stop unless she stops it.

Therapists aren't magicians either. I fear she won't succeed unless she really applies herself, as anyone who has recovered has had to do.

Gary A
19-06-17, 09:57
I personally don't have any sympathy for her family. If one of my family members were harassing me about their health in the way the OP has described I'd be marching them to the nearest doctor and demanding a full mental health screening.

I certainly wouldn't be packing a bag and dragging them to South Korea. Now the mother has decided to ignore her?

Of course, that's assuming any of this is true. I still have my doubts, frankly.

19-06-17, 10:34
Nobody has answered regarding the glass?

19-06-17, 10:59

You're in a spiral over any mark on your body. Your loved ones can see this and they won't feed it because they know it's not helping you.

Please try to use things that can help you. Look at the site Primula gave you, for instance.

I have no doubt your anxiety will continue to manifest in the ways it does until you make progress through therapy or whatever means get you there. It's naive to think otherwise. Please keep to your plan.

Gary A
19-06-17, 11:01
Nobody has answered regarding the glass?

And this right here proves that attention is more important to you than reassurance.

You've had dozens of answers about this nonentity of a rash and ignored them all, yet the second one of your bizarre queries isn't answered you certainly acknowledge that.

I'm done with this as well now, it's just embarrassing at this point.

19-06-17, 11:24
I personally don't have any sympathy for her family. If one of my family members were harassing me about their health in the way the OP has described I'd be marching them to the nearest doctor and demanding a full mental health screening.

I certainly wouldn't be packing a bag and dragging them to South Korea. Now the mother has decided to ignore her?

Of course, that's assuming any of this is true. I still have my doubts, frankly.

I do feel sorry for her family, it must be a nightmare to watch a loved one behave in this way. There is only so much you can do to help though and if the person isn't wanting to seek help you can't force them.

19-06-17, 11:28
I do feel sorry for her family, it must be a nightmare to watch a loved one behave in this way. There is only so much you can do to help though and if the person isn't wanting to seek help you can't force them.

Absolutely rainbow. I think we have to be careful in judging her family. She's an adult and they can't march her anywhere. She's not a sectioning case.

19-06-17, 11:44
Nobody has answered regarding the glass?

This has moved me firmly into the camp of people who think you're toying with us now. Can't believe I wasted my time when I thought there was a chance things had got real for you, and you were in a place where you'd listen to advice, but as always you have no interest whatsoever in getting over this, and I can't even be sure this drama over your boyfriend leaving you is real or not. If it was real you'd be listening to advice, not dismissing it to talk about your usual crap. This makes me think your boyfriend situation is more drama you've made up, or if it is true you don't really care.

If it is true you have sought therapy (I have no idea whether to believe anything any more) I fear it will fail if you carry on with this attitude of ignoring all advice and only being interested in seeking reassurance/attention rather than recovery. You're not seeing a doctor with a magic pill, someone is giving you the skills to fight with. The work is yours.

If there is an ounce of your story that's in any way true, for god's sake sort yourself out because no-one can do it for you.

Tenner says you don't acknowledge any of this, or Terry, Gary, Server or Raibow's posts, and just post another non sequitur about another normal freckle looking a bit "funny".

19-06-17, 11:55
God your life must be boring Helen or whoever you really are.

19-06-17, 12:10
So why doesn't everyone stop replying then? If the consensus is that Helen takes no notice, just don't reply. Simple.

19-06-17, 12:30
So why doesn't everyone stop replying then? If the consensus is that Helen takes no notice, just don't reply. Simple.

Agreed but I would add that if some people want to reply, it shouldn't be wrong. For instance, trying to shift focus.

19-06-17, 12:41
So why doesn't everyone stop replying then? If the consensus is that Helen takes no notice, just don't reply. Simple.

Because Helen posted a thread where it sounded like things had got bad for her and she'd woken up and realised change was needed. Despite everything and all the posting history I still want her to be better. But this thread is increasingly sounding like someone engineering posts to purposefully wind people up, something I've erred on not believing before. I suppose I'm just angry at myself for falling for this manipulative trick again. But you're right, it should be ignored.

And if Helen is on the level about all this and reading this and think I'm talking out of turn use your brain for once and work out why your posts make people feel like this.

19-06-17, 14:17
I understand but I'm scared I have one OR will do. Legiy ffear.