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09-05-07, 18:37
Been feeling really bad today. My parents have gone away on holiday for 2 weeks and its been a week allready. I feel really horriable though. My heart is racing and im not feeling too well. Been feeling like this all day and dont know what to do. I cant seem to cheer myself up. I have been getting so lonly esspacially as i dont go out of the house. I will be glad when todays over.
Sorry to moan

09-05-07, 19:10
hmm im getting like that..although i try and force myself to go out..but i know that after a while it becomes almost impossible..
i can hardly go to school anymore..or go anywhere on my own!
how about friends? cant they stay with you? xx

09-05-07, 19:20
Most of my mates have gone off to uni. And i am bad. Every time they want to come over and see me i make an exscuse not too. I dont know why it just makes me worry. I know that opnce they get here it will be great and stuff. Its just taking the first step. I really miss my friends.I still talk to some of them on MSN and facebook though.
But that is a good idea, I will have to get back into the habbit of seeing some of my mates again

09-05-07, 19:28
just do it step by step..i made myself walk to college..on my own..
it is true that its just the first step..once your there..you feel fine..
but i know how you feel about you miss your friends..
they all go out for meals together and cinemas..and i cant do that either..
if i force myself im always planning the quickest way out..
i just feel like ive missed out on so much at such a young age..its not fair..
i get so upset about it..
i just want it to go away so i can make the most of my life and enjoy it..and not have to wake up everyday and feel like i dont want to face it..

i make sure i have atleast 1 friend who i tell everything too..i tell them why i get them..what happens..what to do if i get one (then i feel as if ive got someone there) and i tell them whenever i feel 'dodgy' - i know they dont understand that much but knowing they are there really helps..

10-05-07, 12:10
Hiya bathnie
I completly understand how your feeling. When i fist started collage i was getting on really well. Going to all my lessons and i made such great friends. I even went n holiday with a group of mates that i organized. It was the second year that things feel apart. I stopped going out, avioded lessons and got very drunk. Not a good idea. I was lucky because i had some really great friends that understood how it was. In my chem class two of them held my hand to get me in and my tutor was really kind.Infact all my teachers were really understanding. Your right though. Little steps at a time. At the moment i am tring to stop drinking. I have all ready stopped smoking and feel much better for it. I also want to increase my exercise and learn about relaxation. I am going to give yoga a try.My doc suggested it and it sounds like a good idea. Then i am going to try and start going out again. Maybe even try and join a club or do some volentry work. But one step at a time. And i think i need to invte some of my mates round. Have a bbq or something. I will wait till my parents get back from holiday though.
Thanks for you advice. Im feeling much beter now.
I hope collage goes well for you. My advice would be have something in place when you leave that you have to go out and do. Dont make my mastake and let yourself put of going out till you cant any more.