View Full Version : I am so good about myself, wish I could quit worrying about wife and her spotting

15-06-17, 19:20
So I have had a ton of counseling, learned some great CBT techniques that seem to work great, but only when I worry about my own crap.

My wife is 43, and for the last year or two has had wildly irregular periods. I used to think, no worries, perimenopause, but now she is spotting between periods and I think it concerned about it herself.

Well, naively, in my effort to understand perimenopause, to try and comprehend what she was going through, I learned a hell of a lot more about ovarian cancer than I ever wanted to know, and went down this private spiral of anxiety.

What is worse, apparently her blood work she had before a CT scan a couple months ago showed she was likely NOT in perimenopause (I don't know if it was an FSH test, I assume so, but I am pretending so hard with her not to be obsessed, so I don't ask).

So here I sit--I have kept my worries to myself--knowing she had a clean CT scan of her abdomen a couple months ago, but she has a lot of ovarian cysts. I know CT scans don't show Ovarian C, so I worried about that immediately. I know there are literally hundreds of posts on this forum alone about women spotting, many of which sound much like my wife.

So, my questions for the women of the group, is it possible to be peri and not have it show up on the FSH test? Or would it be obvious? She has had many symptoms of peri, the tender breasts, etc.

She is going to the doctor today, and I suspect will get another trans v ultrasound (her last was 19 years ago when our son was born) at some point soon.

She has no pain, just spotting. How worried should I be?

As an aside, I am able to use my own CBT tools and take the fact that just this morning I learned I have wildly high cholesterol in spite of a great diet, loads of exercise and good body weight. Basically, I am going to be on lipitor or something like it, and I am not even remotely phased or worried. I wish I could be that even minded when it comes to those around me in my life. I guess I will take this as a learning and growth opportunity, be proud of what I can do for my own crap and work harder at doing the same for those around me...