View Full Version : Finally went to the doctors

15-06-17, 21:30
Hello just a quick message to let you know I finally got he courage and went to my doctors on Tuesday it was a horrendous day but I did it and rather proud of my self, I've been put on sertraline a antidepressants which apparently is good for anxiety I have Togo back to the doctors in two weeks to see how the medication is working as it could take 2/4 weeks to kick in and work properly but the side effects can be head aches, stomach aches,feeling sick and the anxiety gets worse but after 4 weeks it goes away and I'll start feeling better. Today is day two and I've got a bit of a spring in my step I managed to even see a old friend and have a good 20/30 minute chat with her before I'd try to advoid her and get away as soon as possible but I didn't even think about that while talking to her sounds silly as I know it's only day two but it seems to be working? I've not had any side effects so far which is good,

anyone else been prescribed this medication and how did you get on with it?

15-06-17, 22:53
Hi there ! I've been on sertraline since I was 19 years old (I am now 33). It was a miracle medication for me. I was pretty scared to take it initially because I was young and thought everything would pretty much kill me. I had been having panic attacks daily, sometimes more than one a day, and had very extreme anxiety issues. Once I was on it for about a month, I saw the panic attacks slowly decrease in intensity. They never really went away completely, but I was able to deal with them and control them on a level that I hadn't been able to before. It also helped with a host of other things, such as social anxiety, and just anxiety in general.

I have found that it does have side effects however. It makes me drowsy/sleepy, so I take mine before going to bed because it helps me sleep. Another side effect is a little bit of memory loss. I have trouble remembering/recalling words, things that have happened, names are the worst! Sometimes my thinking is a little fuzzy, but not enough to warrant not taking the medication. Also, I hardly ever get horny.. I mean I do, but not as much as if I wasn't on the medication. LOL

I've noticed recently though that the medicine hasn't been working 100% like it has for me in the past. I have been on it for a very long time though.. and with that being said, I might have just reached the limit of it working :)

I definitely recommend though - it certainly helped me for many years and probably still does not, even if only a little bit !

15-06-17, 23:12
First off... Congratulations for taking a positive step. This says it all....

"If you have the courage to begin, you have the courage to succeed."

- David Viscott (1938 - 1996)
American psychiatrist

I took Zoloft (100mg) for 6 months while going to therapy for depression after my 1st heart attack. No nasty side effects but I did have a dodgy stomach here and there. It was the crutch I needed while getting my feet back under me.

Positive thoughts

16-06-17, 02:42
That is awesome that you sought help and it is working for you. I took it for 20 days and it helped me through a major life upset in my life. It calmed my brain down so I was able to cope with what was going on in my mind. Personally I opted not to continue medication and have learned ways to challenge my thoughts and now have a better outlook on life. I was amazed at how fast the medication helped me and when I asked the doctor she said it was probably enough time for it to help "reset" the circuits in my brain. Do what works for you and keep up the great work!