View Full Version : food poisoning

09-05-07, 19:14
Ok, I am severly phobic of being sick or having diahorrea. this results from several bouts of food poisoning. I was just eating my tea, which included a chicken breast, I thought it was a bit pink, but reassured myself that my mum wouldnt give me anything that would make me ill. however, further into the meat it got pinker, and even my mum agreed that it wasnt properly cooked. I am now REALLY FREAKING OUT. Please, anyone with any reassurance, id love to hear it! Cant stop hearing what Gordon Ramsey said to one of his trainee chefs on tv program years ago when they served chicken that wasnt cooked properly. "You could have killed someone!" funnily enough... that isnt helping me calm down!!!


09-05-07, 23:54
Anxiety makes people sick and gives them diahorrea more than food poisoning. I get the same thoughts myself though. I love rare meat, but there are some that are not to be eaten rare, such as chicken. That said, most of the poultry we buy has been inoccultated agains things that are harmfull to us.

With all the food regulations in place, I think it unlikely you will be ill from something just slightly undercooked. I think you may get some symptoms,through just imagination and anxiety.

Also if your symptoms didn't hospitalise you before, they are not likely to do so now. When you calm down a little, you might not even see a symptom.

One last thing, the things that chicken can have are harmfull to the elderly and very young and as your mother cooked this (and is probably fine), you will be too. It is reheating meat that causes most problems, or touching meat and then touching something that isn't going to be cooked.