View Full Version : Can anyone help bring me back down to Earth, please?

16-06-17, 13:54
As is the nature of this thing.

Why are clear test results not enough? And how can I overcome that?

I have had a uti for a couple of months with antibiotics failing. Finally, today, I got a clear urine test, perfect blood results and a great ultrasound, why do I keep perpetuating thoughts like -

'But it could come back'
'It could be more serious'
'What if the result was a false negative' etc etc

It drives me nuts. I wish I could accept the clean results with open arms and say okay, let's get on with it again.

How do you all deal with this aspect of it?

16-06-17, 16:58
For me, I combat the thoughts of questioning the results by reminding myself that Drs see SO MUCH on a daily basis that they hardly ever make a mistake. Especially blood tests etc etc. I remind myself that they are trained to see red flags. Also, there are no false negatives. There can be false positives, but a neg is a neg. That's a helpful thought.

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16-06-17, 17:35
That's what I have to do - remind myself that these men and women see it all. Especially the specialists.

16-06-17, 17:45
I do not condemn thoughts or get angry for having them. Acknowledge the thought and thank it for trying to protect you, but assure it that it is not needed.

16-06-17, 17:54
Guys, thank you all so much! Those thoughts and suggestions are so very helpful right now 🙏

16-06-17, 17:59
It's a battle. I have had an oral surgeon tell me TWICE what I have is not pathology, not cancer, yet I obsess still. This guy is retiring like this month. Which means he's been at it 30 plus years! He's right, now I have to feel it as well as know it.

16-06-17, 18:39
I totally get you, Vikingbeast. It's really tough. I also keep reminding myself that doubt of doctors and test results is always high up there on the list of things that those with HA experience. Reminding myself how big a role the HA plays helps me.

Your oral surgeon definitely knows his stuff, I hope you can feel it soon.

16-06-17, 18:43
I totally get you, Vikingbeast. It's really tough. I also keep reminding myself that doubt of doctors and test results is always high up there on the list of things that those with HA experience. Reminding myself how big a role the HA plays helps me.

Your oral surgeon definitely knows his stuff, I hope you can feel it soon.

Like a former counselor of mine told me, your mind, when in this state, will FIND something so obsess about. The kicker is getting out of this GAD or OCD state altogether. Anyone who ever finds the cure for that will be the most revered person except maybe Jesus Christ.