View Full Version : Anxiety is getting in the way of finding a job

16-06-17, 14:55
I'm currently studying my Master's degree in literature/publishing, where I am scoring top marks. Last year, I also completed an internship at an established publishing house, and I'm currently doing another internship at a major arts organisation.

Yet, my anxiety holds me back from doing well at job interviews :(

Even though I know I'm capable of doing the jobs that I'm getting interviews for and I have a solid CV, I bomb out at interviews as I let my anxiety get the better of me.

I know the job market is tough, and publishing is a difficult industry to break into, but I've had so many opportunities and I've lost out on all of them. Maybe I'm just too hard on myself, and I'm being overly self-critical. It's really getting me down, and I'm losing all my confidence. I feel like I'm not meeting the expectations I've set for myself (and I feel others have for me), and I'm failing.

I had another job interview today at a big publishing house, and I don't think I did as well as I could of. The thing that's getting me down the most about today's interview is that my lecturer got me the interview through her connections and I feel like if I don't get this one, she's going to be disappointed.

I give off the vibe to my peers and lecturers that I'm confident and extroverted, but it's all an act, I'm actually an anxious mess and very shy.

16-06-17, 16:36
Hi amyamyamy14,

We are indeed our biggest critic so, when things aren't going our way, we think that we are incapable and a failure. I've definitely made plenty of mess in life and had been quite a failure so far. As long as you are confident in your abilities, you will find a job that works for you. Know that rejections are common at interviews. It's something I've learned and I've only been searching for minimum wage jobs. One can only imagine how fierce the competition your workplaces are.

Know that getting an interview doesn't mean you got the job. You just do your best and prepare the most you can. I'm going to assume that interviews aren't new to you and you made the proper preparations.

As for an act, I definitely recommend being more of yourself. That might be why your interviews haven't been going well. You try to put up this image but you subconsciously worry that others might see through your image. Are you scared that the interviewer won't want you when you show you are shy? Don't worry about the anxious part since that's part of life. People get anxious over a lot of things like big exams and interviews. It's just a natural response to stress.

All I can say is to practice before the interview, in front of the mirror if you have to. Just be yourself and don't worry about how many people you'll disappoint. This is your life and each rejection is a learning process for you. Don't be discouraged when you get so many rejections since each rejection puts you closer to your next job. I wish you best of luck! :)

16-06-17, 17:00

It's tough as interviews are all about confidence and overselling yourself, and I struggle with that. I know I have the skills, but I'm just too introverted when I'm talking about myself to new people. Interviews always favour the people who are extremely extroverted.

I set high expectations for myself and then when I don't meet them, it makes me anxious. I'm growing tired of it.

Ever since stopping Lexapro in October last year, all my confidence and self-esteem has been demolished.

I feel embarrassed that I've gotten so many interviews and haven't landed one yet. I feel like I'm disappointing my parents

16-06-17, 17:32
Trust me, I know the feeling of disappointing my parents. I've taken much longer going to university, failed a few courses recently and dealing with personal issues. There's a lot of stuff in life that gets thrown our way and we must learn how to deal with it. All I can say is keep going and you will find your job.

I honestly believe that, when you have the skills, you will find it. It seems true that most interviews favor the extroverted people but I know that there's a job there where the interviewer can sense a person with high potential. Never give up and never let these overwhelm you. Honestly, you are in a better position than a lot others and this is just you experiencing the challenges life throw at you.

Keep going and believe there's a job out there for you! :)