View Full Version : Still fighting...

16-06-17, 16:40
I haven't been on in a few months, but thought I would stop by just to get some stuff off of my chest. My story in brief is that I have always had a degree of general anxiety and have suffered bouts of HA throughout my life. Fast forward to six months ago when I started having problems with my left calf twitching. Two months later I had a panic attack and ended up in the ER. About a week after that I started twitching and having sleep starts. Since that time I have twitches several times a day and now cramp up easy. My newest fun symptom is that my jaw muscles feel tired at random times throughout the day.

So why am I posting here and not on a neurology help board? Because I have researched this to death and have found no comfort in what Dr. Google can do for me. I am terrified of ALS, CJD (HGH injections as a kid), and MS (though I find myself hoping it's MS). Yet here I am.

I am here because I am 100% sure that I have health anxiety. Might I still be sick? Yes, but I know myself well enough to know that I might be blowing some of the symptoms out of proportion. The twitches are real (my wife has seen my calf muscles partying away) but "real" can still be benign or a much less deadly condition. Might I have ALS? Highly unlikely.

I have been checked by several GPs who have performed basic neurological tests but cannot yet see a neurologist (I will as soon as my insurance becomes active). I have had an MRI of my brain that was clear save for some minor abnormalities that the examiner said were of little consequence. An EMG and a spinal MRI are about all that I have not had. But when I have those and if they come back clear, will it be enough? Likely not. For that reason I am starting counseling and will meet monthly with a therapist to talk about my anxiety.

I guess I am writing this to say that I am with you guys. I know how hard this is. I am still fighting and you should too.

16-06-17, 16:42
Positive post Pablo. You sound like a different person and one heading in the right direction despite a blip here and there. That's a good thing. Keep up the good work!

Positive thoughts

16-06-17, 16:45
Thanks Fishmanpa! You were very helpful when I was spinning out. I still read your ALS post off and on. Thanks for all that you do here!