View Full Version : Sporadic Fatal Insomnia?

17-06-17, 07:36
Hello, I am a 21 year old male that has run into sleeping problems lately. For about the past month, Ive experienced insomnia which varies from day to day. Sometimes I get 7 hours of solid sleep or barely 3 hours of broken sleep.

Problem is, Ive been having very bizarre dreams with my sleeping, even if its only for an hour and a half. Ive also been experiencing jerks as I try to sleep along with a couple of spasms. This is causing anxiety in me, so my heart rate is elevated and all that.

Its like I dont ever feel tired anymore. I have to kind of lay down for what feels like an hour before I fall asleep. I was just wondering could this be the start of SFI? I cant tell if this all anxiety or actually the beginning of a fatal disease? I know its really rare, but some insight would be much appreciated.

17-06-17, 07:50
Nope. Having issues falling asleep for a few months or even years does not equal SFI.

What you are describing is normal sleeping behavior. Sleep varies due to stress, anxiety, diet, exercise level, etc. throughout a person's lifetime and can even change during different life stages.