View Full Version : Genuinely not well but thinking the worst

17-06-17, 10:37
So the past 3 days I've been hit with a horrendous cold bug, really full on runny nose, headachey, no energy. But I'm also feeling really sickly with it, particularly today. So now I'm freaking out that if I do actually throw up it means I have meningitis. Can you throw up with a cold? Can anyone help I'm freaking out x

17-06-17, 10:54
Yes, you can throw up with a cold. Stomach bugs can feel the same as having a cold, and there are plenty of those about.

17-06-17, 11:03
Thanks anxietyjoe.
Feel absolutely horrendous! I'm hoping it'll be gone or on it's way way out tomorrow as this is the 3rd day. Sickness feeling seems to come in waves. Weird having a bright red runny nose in the summer :/ Not a good look