View Full Version : Think I'm dying

17-06-17, 11:45
Woke up like if I was going to throw up felt a rush going up my throatthen like an adrenaline rush came and it hurt my shoulder. And then it felt like when I choke on acid reflux. Felt sweaty. Pain on chest now. And this doom feeling on me. Heart felt like a gallop and then into a hard thumping followed by trachycardia, all this heart stuff in the matter of what felt like seconds.

What did happen tonight I went to the theaters. Had churro, skittles, raisins covered in chocolate, topped with cherry Coke, could it be a delayed sugar rush type thing?? Oh and popcorn!! And I choked on the skin of the popcorn and it feels like I still have that in there. And my throat has felt dry all of today, so that scratchy skin kernel thing feels a lot worse. I had a panic attack on the way home thinking that the kernel skin can dislodge cause me to go into a killer coughing fit.

And my chest now feels like it has icy hot.
I played basketball the other night and my arms were starting to hurt (sore muscle on biceps and chest) right before I fell asleep tonight. Could it be that???
My breathing feels heavy and tense. Right now as I'm typing.

For the love of.... I had a great night tonight for me to be going through this.

I have a drive with my parents in a hours from now. Long drives do tend to give anxiety attacks the day dbefore could it be that????? Last time I went out my dad kept on having coughing fits and he said it was due to his blood pressure or cholesterol med.... and for those of you who don't know me Im always thinking of heart attack for coughing fits. I was told by some person that her parents died after what people thought they were having a coughing fit and it was a heart attack and a dear uncle of mine also passed when they thought he was coughing. So yeah my dad had me nervous the whole time. So I have that fear for sure. Could it be that??

We are renting a car right now since ours is in the shop. And the truck they gave us is a big ford 150, my husband couldn't get used to it and the drive home from the threatres was tense. At least I was. It felt like he was not sure on how to drive it. Kept hitting brake. And would swerve (he mentioned that he'd barely tap the wheel and it would swerve).

Right before I fell asleep I was changing positions and I felt a ton of pressure on my neck and head when I moved it felt like my neck was going to crack. And I got a rush of adrenaline thinking that something was going to happen. Then I just knocked out in seconds after that because I was tired.

Since I started typing this my stomach is going crazy. Cramps, and stomach churning. And I did have to stop typing and had a loose bm. :/

Yes this is insane and totally different from the other days fear... I get anxiety with any new sensation my body gets and tonight it's one after another and yes my mind does this. I think multiple stuff is happening in my body that ultimately leads to death. Like I get you have a headache and you fear brain tumor but that's all you are fixated on. Mine are a multiple things going on at one time.
I don't see that on here all of you are pretty consistent on your fear and here I am with a million things going for me.

You know what kills me??? Knowing there are children out there dealing with cancer and they get a bunch of symptoms that come with chemo, that are real symptoms real reasons for concern and the manage to smile, to calm their parents by saying they are fine when they aren't, and still have the hope to get 100% better. And here I am crying over something that can/and has non life threatening sensations and thinking I'm going to die, acting like it is going to kill me. And not enjoy life to its beautiful extent because of FEAR? That's not right. There are really unhealthy people wishing to be healthy. And I'm here being like this?? I had a few cousins pass away from cancer and heart issues. And what they told their siblings and cousins was to live the life they couldn't have. To enjoy life to the fullest. I'm failing them.
I'm failing my family.
My kids, they need a mom who can be there with them enjoying an afternoon, dinners, and all good things.
Here I am afraid to eat cause more often now I choke on food. Or have bad consequences after eating.
Enjoying a night out or day ends with a panic attack.
Complete failures.

☝🏻 Minute please because this just happened

I felt what I felt, and got on my phone and started typing in real time as I felt my symptoms I typed them out. I had not moved positions until now and it hurt to move my chest and arms feel sore and upon taking a deep breath my ribs hurt. I tasted something salty at the back of my mouth like when you get a nose bleed and the anxious chest came back 😒.

And this is what I'm talking about any "symptom" and I freak out.

Yes if I were dying I wouldn't be able to be so alert that I can type this.
Yet I'm told by Mrs. Anxiety that I am in fact dying that I'm that one special case that can be alert all the way to the end. Stupid yes. Fear but the stupid fear takes it to the next level.

Is there hope for me to get better??

I am sorry guys for the long post. Thank you to those who stick it out and read my whole dork fears. It started off with wanting to let someone know what is going on with me. I don't like bugging my husband. I don't like to bug people with this. Because I know it sounds all so out of this world. Yet here I am!

I hope. Truly hope. That all of y'all have a great weekend and I hope all of you are able to forget your anxieties and enjoy life.