View Full Version : Sore throat?

17-06-17, 14:07
So two+ weeks ago (June 1) I visited my GP because I had earache and I was coughing.. She told me I had an ear and throat infection and gave me some antibiotics.. Then she told me to come back in 4 days to check it again (June 5) and that's what I did and she said my ear is fine but my throat is swollen? She was thinking to send me to ENT but she didn't..
On June 6 I had an Allergologist appointment and he said that I have throat secretion.. (wasn't feeling any pain anymore, I was fine) It turned out I'm allregic to all the trees and grass. He gave me some nasal sprays and allergy pills... Everything was fine until yesterday - my throat hurts so much, so bad I can not swallow! It's awful than it was at the beggining of the month! I'm so scared people are telling me about people dying that have been sick and haven't even went for a check up and my health anxiety isn't helping..
What is this secretion? Why the antibiotics didn't help? what is going on?
Is it due the allergy is it dangerous?

Chris 614
17-06-17, 14:36
Is the secretion like post nasal drip? Allergies can certainly cause that. But now you can't even swallow? If that's the case it wouldn't hurt to get it rechecked. Have you gargled with warm salt water?

17-06-17, 14:45
Is it possible you just picked up another cold?

17-06-17, 19:09
Thanks for the repplies! :)

I don't even feel like there is some secretion. I did gargle with salt water twice today as my mom told me to and I will be able to visit my gp on Monday althought I don't want to I feel like I've been visiting her too often lately and maybe she thinks I'm annoying :/

I don't know? It wasn't that sore yesterday and I ate ice cream and is it possible it to made it worse
I just hope it's the allergy