View Full Version : Strange feelings

17-06-17, 15:16
Hi all,

I'm unsure if this is anxiety related or something else. For the record I'm a 31 year old male.

For the past couple weeks, I've been having the occasional 'vibration' like sensation in my legs, particularly when sitting. I thought at first they were environmental factors and thought nothing of it. Alongside this I cannot keep my legs still, I must always rock or move to some degree, though I have done that for years.

That was until it started doing it when I was certain there was nothing else. This last week it feels to have spread and I can feel the internal vibration inside my body, like its at my very core. I also experienced leg weakness like they couldn't hold my body weight and my arms are starting to do the same thing. A sort of tremor that I cannot control but as soon as I think about it, it stops. If I go about my business it's there. Any form of exertion on my limbs and they shake. I've also heard/felt the same thing inside my head. I've not slept well recently and definitely have sleep deprivation. Could this be a cause or am I dealing with some other type of anxiety symptom? I certainly suffer from panic and can have numerous episodes. Currently I feel as if my body cannot support itself.

Has anyone else experienced the same? I'm not that great at describing but hopefully I've made some sense.


21-06-17, 00:35
It's a really common anxiety symptom, you can search the symptom thread and hundreds of people are dealing/have experienced this before. It is nothing to be alarmed about! Do not worry about it.