View Full Version : What is wrong with me????

17-06-17, 16:37
I've mainly been hanging out in the medication forums but nothing seems to be working for any length of time and I honestly don't know what's wrong with me any more. Just wondering if anyone else feels like this?
I had a bout of GAD a coiple of years ago and got better eventually (after about six months) on venlafaxine. Came off the meds in July last year only to have a relapse in October. Went back on the meds but for whatever reason this time venlafaxine did nothing and I've been fighting an ongoing up and down battle ever since. Currently on pregabalin 450mg, weaning off mirtazapine and about to restart venlafaxine (on advice of psych).
The thing is, I don't know what's wrong with me. I don't feel anxious as such, just permanently on edge like I can never relax (wired up and jittery), benzos aren't making any difference today and I just feel like my life is a never ending treadmill and I want to get off!
I don't feel down and depressed as such, just fed up with the way I feel. I had a couple of good days this week where I ended up thinking "what on earth was I feeling like that for?" but yesterday the agitation started creeping in again and today I don't feel calm at all. I'm just desperate to feel "normal" as when I do, all's good in my life.Maybe I am bordering on depression?
I'm seeing my psych again in 3 weeks and starting to think maybe I ned some kind of mood stabiliser rather than ADs.
Can anyone relate to this feeling?
I should maybe also say that I recently changed jobs as my last one was so stressful but I'm not convinced I made the right move now (although again, when I'm calm, all seems fine).
Any helpful advice would be greatfully appreciated!

17-06-17, 22:56
I can relate in part to what you're saying, I don't take any meds, but my mood is similar. I don't feel anxious particularly, just unable to relax, like I've got to be doing something constantly, and my mood isn't quite depressive, but more like I'm going through the motions.

I'm not really sure I can offer any advice, but I know how you're feeling right now.