View Full Version : Eyes vision

17-06-17, 19:02
Does anyone get problems with there's vision sometimes

I Don't Get it!
17-06-17, 19:07
I do.

Mostly blurred vision, increased dark floaters (sometimes so dark that I think something black is running along the floor in my peripheral vision - not good if you're afraid of spiders like I am!) and sometimes a sharp stabbing pain in my eye that comes and goes. I've had them checked very thoroughly and there's nothing physically wrong with them, so yet another delightful anxiety symptom.

Oh yes, I nearly forgot, I also get eyestrain very quickly when reading or using the PC which leads to a headache.

17-06-17, 19:19
I sometimes do, the sensation is not easy to describe, but mostly I feel like I can't see well, like my glasses aren't helping, like the world were blurred, but it goes away once I start feeling less anxious.

17-06-17, 21:09
Cheers guys

18-06-17, 00:14
I get what I DON'T GET IT described to a tee. Been like this for a year. 2 eye exams (thorough) checked out healthy. Anxiety again.

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18-06-17, 00:59
As I get older, I find that I'm having way more problems with eyestrain when reading and using tablets. Stuff gets blurry, especially distance, and it takes a while for my vision to recover. I also have one eye that gets affected more than the other. I went to the eye doctor, and he said that it's completely normal for someone my age. Still makes me nervous!

I also have floaters and I have been checked several times for minor changes with them (as recently as this past Monday). All normal. Just gettin' old, folks!