View Full Version : Shooting Leg/Hip Pain!! After stubbing toe?!

17-06-17, 22:04
Hey everyone,

I don't know how I managed to do this, but last night I stubbed my toe on a wall that we have sticking out in the hall way. I've stubbed my toe many times before but this was something else, I kicked it so hard that the pain had me on the floor, it was unbearable. The pain shot up my foot towards my ankle when it happened and my foot swelled up. The pain was that bad afterwards that for about an hour after I thought I'd broken my toe or fractured a bone.

Today it felt fine apart from the fact that I can't bend 3 of my toes and when I try to bend them the pain soars up my foot. So since I could walk on it fine I done a couple of hours gardening totoday. After this my hip bum area on my left hand side started to ache, as well as my lower back on the same side. My legs ached too but I just assumed this was all due to the gardening. Since then the pain has got severely worse although it is on and off. Not long ago I went to stand up after sitting for a while and a pain shot up my entire leg to my hip and back all done the left side. The pain was that severe that I could not walk on it. It then went all tingly as well and on and off I tried to walk on it, but anytime I put any pressure on that one foot, the pain shoots right up again and it's unbearable.

I'm worried it could be sciata caused my a foot injury or something, what is everyone's thoughts?! If it's still like this Monday then I will go to the doctors.l but really would like some thoughts before then.