View Full Version : going mental big time

05-11-04, 12:19
Hi, on day 7 now of the SSRis after changing from Ticylic. I realy think I am losing it now, besides the normal side effects like the runs, headach, feeling mote anxious. I am havin weird thoughts, I dont even know what these thoughts are they make no sence at al and makes me panic and think i am realy going mad. before the SSRI i didnt have these weired thoughts they sstart soon as i wake and am to anxiouse to go back to sleep. Its even like i dont know who or where i am at times. has anyone had there weird thoughts on changing or starting meds? thanks all . vernon

05-11-04, 12:52
from Blossom Dear Vern, I can understand what you are feeling, as we all have those side effects when going on a new med, I have been on quite a few myself, and have had the side effects you are talking about, but stay with it Jeff, as they take a couple of weeks before you will see the difference. I have been on all the SSri, but was only on Prozac for a week, but all meds have side effects. Your body has got so used to the Anafranil, it will take time for it to adjust the the new one. I have known quite a few people that are on Prozac and they swear by it,
I think the same thoughts about the Cipralex, and felt really rough for a couple of weeks, but as others have told you, it does settle down Vern, and dont give up, as you have done the first week, Our thoughts dont help.
Thats a lot to do with it. Allbest wishes from Blossom

05-11-04, 13:08
hi Vern,

I had the same thing when I started SSRIs - you are not going mad!! It's very normal when you start a new med cos it does take a while for your body to get used to it. Hang in there mate, it will be worth it in the end!!

Sarah :D

05-11-04, 13:51
Hi Vern, this is my 3rd month on citalopram and I had some awful side effects for the first few weeks vern. My anxiety levels hit the roof, I was disorentated, dizzy, confused. The chemical levels are adjusting in your brain and it makes it do silly things vern. Just remember these are only thoughts, tell yourself that they will go away. Please don't worry too much i'm sure things will get better for you. Take Care Tara xx

05-11-04, 15:49
Thanks ever so much the three of you love you all to bits xxx

05-11-04, 17:32
Hi Vernon

These are completely usual but horrible settling in feelings - they do pass and the benefits start to become apparant.

Starting on an SSRI for me was just as bad if not worse than the original panics - but within a few weeks it had passed and I had a sort of ready - brek glow.


It is impossible to get out of a problem by using the same kind of thinking that it took to get into it.
- Albert Einstein.

05-11-04, 17:40
Are you feeling any better Vern mate? :D

05-11-04, 18:13
Hi Vernon

When i started my SSRI on too higher dose to start with i was terrible. I couldnt think straight, was practically scared of my own shadow and thought i was going mad and really wanted to give up on it all.

I can appreciate how you feel babe and it is horrible until the side affects wear off. Persevere it will get better.

LYTB xxx

Love Sal xxxxx

05-11-04, 18:49
Hi, Vernon, hang on in there mate, sorry you are having a tough time right now, lots of luv xxxx

05-11-04, 20:43
thanks all xx

06-11-04, 00:01
Hi Vern

You are doing ok and you are not losing it. If you had lost it you wouldnt be writing about how you feel and managing to still send funny emails as you wouldnt recognise they were funny.

Babe i know how hard it is and on many occasions i gave up on SSRIs but looking back now i feel i wasted 3 years of getting towards a normal life, if only i had persevered when i was first given them but after 10 days i failed, but looking at me now i do see the difference and can only imagine if i had tried longer where i could be now.

Love Sal xxxxx

06-11-04, 11:22
thanks all, hi sallbabes xx

06-11-04, 11:38
Hi Vernon

Hope you are having a better day today babe.

Take care and keep in touch.

Love Sal xxxxx

06-11-04, 18:11
bit better today thanks sall :)

07-11-04, 01:39
Hi Hon

Pleased you have had a better day, it will get easier and if you want to talk through it you know you can contact me whenever.

Will sign of on my sunday name now.

Lots of love Sally xxxxxx