View Full Version : Mind Tricks

09-05-07, 22:16
Hi Everyone

I sit with the physical legacy of anxiety: chest pains, hot feelings and some dizziness. I have health anxiety for the most part and it mainly concerns my heart. I have gone for the tests and all is fine. It takes time to come to terms with the physical effects of anxiety and I think that I am getting there.
The hardest part seems to be that last step of just letting go and believing that there is nothing wrong with my health. I have identified this thought pattern that goes on in my mind that says that once I let go, the thing that I fear will happen. It is as though I have made myself believe that as long as I fear it, it will not happen. It is as though the anxiety is giving me some sort of control. I know this is deep and these are mind tricks that happen at a subconscious level, but I found it very interesting and I believe that I am onto something.
The people that know say that all behaviours are learnt because we find some sort of reward or benefit from it. I think that I have found mine and I trust that I will be able to chip away at this belief and be able to once again just relax and smell the flowers - something that I have not been able to do for some time.

Bless you all

10-05-07, 02:21
This I can identify with.. even just the last few days .I have had fitful dreams.Nothing really horrifying but enough to make me upset and wake with a kind of just being in another world.I was really happy for the last few weeks making progress and feeling almost normal.

Then yesterday for some reason I felt missed beats all day and even into last night.I have a nurse that is a friend of mine that I talk to most nights that lives in mexico..

She used to live here in colorado but well just chatting with her not just about medical things but other things actually makes me feel more serene and peaceful..

That in itself is an illusion.Anxiety can make you have weird thoughts and feelings.I think half my life has been spent this way .For the most part if you just try as hard as you can to think about anything else you will snap out of those mind tricks..

I have them from time to time..It seems sometimes my dreams are realitity and my time awake is not real and the two become confusing and believe it or not for the most part I don't feel that way but there are somedays especially in this place that makes everybody feel that way but anxiety really eggs it on.

I hope that you remember what I said.. just try to think of anything ,anything at all .I have even counted backwards over and over from 1000 sometimes just to break the anxious thoughts.If its been done I probably have utilized it in someway to try to ease the weirdness..
Good luck to you and God blesss you and help you overcome the ugly monster we all are battling..

10-05-07, 22:09
Interesting post.

I've sat on planes and panicked away like mad coz if I don't panic, then the plane will crash (obviously)!! How on earth do we think we can control by flipping panicking!!

Kay x

10-05-07, 23:46

I will tell you the trick to flying..found this out last time I flew 21 hours..Stay up all night the night before doing anything..till you are so exhausted that you can barely focus..When getting on the plane just try to get as comfortable as you can and go to sleep .You will be so tired that you wont have a worry about crashing.

I went to the Philippines and on the way I was so nervous long long flight.I made it ok..but nervous..On the way back it was at night and the pilot was trying to out run a typhoon which he wasnt doing a very good job.I was so tired because I was exhausted the day before from worry and no sleep.I woke during the longest part of the flight several times and felt severe tubulance.. and knew we were in bad weather..

I just woke and thought I don't care im so tried let it crash.. so that ended my worries I went back to sleep and woke when we were landing lol. Anyway hope that helped you .. Michael

11-05-07, 10:21
Hi Everyone

I sit with the physical legacy of anxiety: chest pains, hot feelings and some dizziness. I have health anxiety for the most part and it mainly concerns my heart. I have gone for the tests and all is fine. It takes time to come to terms with the physical effects of anxiety and I think that I am getting there.
The hardest part seems to be that last step of just letting go and believing that there is nothing wrong with my health. I have identified this thought pattern that goes on in my mind that says that once I let go, the thing that I fear will happen. It is as though I have made myself believe that as long as I fear it, it will not happen. It is as though the anxiety is giving me some sort of control. I know this is deep and these are mind tricks that happen at a subconscious level, but I found it very interesting and I believe that I am onto something.
The people that know say that all behaviours are learnt because we find some sort of reward or benefit from it. I think that I have found mine and I trust that I will be able to chip away at this belief and be able to once again just relax and smell the flowers - something that I have not been able to do for some time.

Bless you alli to do this afraid to let yr gaurd down against the fear incase it happens so iguess we keep the fear going by doing this but its so hard to let go feel free topm me for a chat but i honestly have been saying this for a long time to councilor ect but they dont seem to answer me much on it bye for now trish

11-05-07, 10:26
I know exactly what you mean. I have suspected this about myself too. My subconscious just won't shake it even though my rational mind knows the facts and has been told them by so many specialists.

I probably have trust issues with doctors and possibly trust issues believingmyself.

I so want to get better but am at an all time low - I feel I am back to where I was a year ago after some minor improvements. New symptoms have brough new setbacks where I feel unable to cope.

Thanks for your interesting post

11-05-07, 11:33
Hi sunkid
All those symptoms you have I get and yes it is real difficult to believe we are healthy.i think the hard part is because we know what we are feeling and we question ourselves e.g. How can i be healthy if I feel this symptoms normal people don't feel this.It's hard I know but what I actually noticed is what ever symptom I fear the most I get the most and the minute I come to terms with not fearing that one a new one comes along

So hold tight love it's a rocky road to recovery but not an impossible one
I wish you all the best
lots of love