View Full Version : How to safely sterilise a neti pot?

18-06-17, 00:00
Any Neti Pot users out there?
Every time I use one it causes me great anxiety.
I worry I didn't clean it properly, that the water I boiled isn't boiled long enough etc.

I boiled my neti pot in a pot of water yesterday for about 8 minutes and then boiled some other water for about 2 minutes.
It says to make sure the Neti pot is DRY before you use it and I didn't.
After I took the neti pot out of the boiling water I poured the other boiling water into it and then used that- after it had cooled down and now today I have woken up with a headache and stuffed nose!!

I would have thought I cleaned it properly - no bugs, but maybe the fact that i didn't let it Air Dry is really bad?

Also I inhaled a whole heap of mold yesterrday from my worm farm! (hence using the neti pot) - anyone know if this could be why?
I opened the lid and it all came out - everything was so moldy and so gross.... it stuck like old socks.
Now I'm worried that I've got mold growing in my sinuses.
Today is not a good day for me - your thoughts?????

Thanks Guys xo