View Full Version : Brain Zaps

18-06-17, 00:36
Hi everyone,
I've recently come off Cymgen, its an SNRI that I was on for a year. They worked well initially but then stopped. I got these really weird brain zaps, like a zinging sensation when I stopped taking them, well when I stopped using a wean-off schedule. Does anyone know what this is?

19-06-17, 14:26
Brain zaps are quite a common side effect of coming off of such medications. I've felt something similar when coming off of both Cymbalta (cold turkey) and Effexor (twice, both weaning off).

Some people say that Fish Oil and staying hydrated are two things that have helped them overall.

Give it a week or two and these side effects should subside. Almost everyone has some sort of side effect when coming off of any mental health medication. Heck, I just came off of Trintellix as of a couple of days ago and I still am feeling the fatigue, random nausea and dizziness associated with coming off. I've come off of many, many medications and there is generally always something, although sometimes it's more minor depending on the medication and situations revolving around it.

You'll be fine. If it continues or becomes intolerable, call your Psychiatrist.

19-06-17, 14:30
Yeah, I had them coming off Cit. It was a guitar string went "TWANG" in my head.

I found it worse when I stopped completely rather than in the reduction. It lasted no more than 15 days so hopefully you will be through it soon.