View Full Version : Anxiety about traveling coming through as health anxiety

18-06-17, 01:16
So my husband, 2 kids, and I have a 2 week family trip coming up in a week. My kids are 3 and 7 and we are going from east coast us to Vancouver and Alaska. I am concerned that my anxiety over the trip is manifesting itself as health anxiety. I've had a really good run of no issues over the past year but within the past few weeks I've convinced myself I've gotten a swollen lymph nose in my armpit and groin. I also thought I had a uti as I felt like I had the urge to pee all the time. Doctor confirmed no uti, and it seems to come and go and when I'm not thinking about it I don't notice it. Again there is that confusion over real symptoms versus imagined. Could his increased health anxiety be my body's way of dealing with the trip stress and anxiety. I also seem to have a fear of something medical happening before the trip and ruining it or something medical happening on the trip and ruining it for everyone plus being that far away from home. Any thoughts? Good words? Or methods for dealing with travel anxiety?

18-06-17, 08:38
I can totally relate. I'm supposed to go for a smaller trip (just for one day) next week and then to go to Spain in two weeks and I feel like my anxiety got worse due to that, perhaps because I'll be there with people that have no idea what I'm going through. Anyway, I also keep telling myself it'll distract me from the anxiety and keep hoping for the best. :) I'm going to prepare some kind of 'first aid' pack in case I get worse - some benzos, some herbal pills, some sweets etc. I know that already having something like that with me will help. :) Hope things go well with you.