View Full Version : Emergency??

18-06-17, 14:44
I think I am dealing with food poisoning I had one bite of bad meat earlier today and 2 hrs after it my stomach hurt sooo bad and it was badly bloated it went away and then I had dinner and it's been hell since then.
Okay so I have:
Tons of gas bloating
But no real way to pas gas so it builds up.
And then I started with the chills which is causing my biggest symptom yet:
Leg pains, right on the joints so bad I feel like throwing up
I also have pains in my arms and hands it's shooting pain. At random spots and the constant joint pain. Is this part of the food poisoning???

Oh and I feel hot right now that the joint pain is starting to go.

I've had botulism cross my mind.
And blood poisoning.

My husband is mad right now. I think he's thinking I'm ruining his Father's Day...
I mean should I be running to the hospital with these symptoms?? Or is it part of the poisoning?

My husband mention that if it could of been the plant food I was using today. Droplets touched my skin but I rinsed water over it immediately.
I've had urges to throw up. But I can't it's one of my fears. That I'll tear my esophagus while throwing up, or choke on my vomit.
My heart has been raising this whole time. But I brush it of to whatever my body is fighting... so what is it? Would you wait it out??

---------- Post added at 11:32 ---------- Previous post was at 10:54 ----------

Update: I vomited and it was a lot. It hurt my stomach at one point but I did have instant relief of whatever was going on.

---------- Post added at 13:44 ---------- Previous post was at 11:32 ----------

Update bones still hurt a ton and I feel super weak after throwing up

18-06-17, 15:30
I always say that if you really felt this was an emergency, you wouldn't be posting here asking opinions and waiting for responses for several hours.

Hope you feel better soon

Positive thoughts

19-06-17, 07:46
I always say that if you really felt this was an emergency, you wouldn't be posting here asking opinions and waiting for responses for several hours.

Hope you feel better soon

Positive thoughts

Yeah that should be able to tell me that it's not really an emergency i can't help but come on here and get reassured.

---------- Post added at 05:41 ---------- Previous post was at 05:41 ----------

My nose still burns like when I threw up last night with anything I drink or eat is that normal?

---------- Post added at 06:46 ---------- Previous post was at 05:41 ----------

My nose and back of throats still burn like when I was throwing up

20-06-17, 09:50
�� dealing with this sharp pain in my ribs only on the right side when I laugh or clear my throat. Could this be soreness from throwing up?? I have not thrown up in 12 years so this is really hard for me to see the norm in the situation.