View Full Version : Can't accept what dr said..ugh

18-06-17, 16:56
Just wanna preface this with I AM seeing a therapist and it definitely is helping but I still am having ups and downs between sessions.
I've posted about this before so I apologize
I'm I huge mole obsesser...I've had 3 removed and all 3 were fine. There's only one left that I don't like and it's been looked at by 3 different dermatologists who have said it's fine. I picked at it and a little black area appeared, but this was prior to the last appt so I'm assuming the dr still saw that.
In any case, I've been good about reducing my checking tendencies and have actually had a pretty good week until yesterday my anxiety flared up and I decided the mole was "bad" again. Now I'm having the urge to rush back to the dr and have it removed. My therapist thinks i need to leave it since I've been told it's ok but I feel overcome with the anxiety of not knowing and questioning health professionals yada yada. Rationally I understand this mental health problem and could easily point it out to someone else but it just feels SO real.

Does anyone have any tips for coming back down to earth so to speak? And accepting what the dr says?

Thanks guys.

18-06-17, 17:30
In your shoes, I would NOT have the mole removed. That is an important step for you, IMO.

Then, I would agree not to look at the mole except for once a month, maybe. THat way, you can track changes, see it is not changing, and perhaps that will help you learn to trust the doctor.

Basically, you need to sit with discomfort and learning that no bad comes of it may give you a new perspective the next time something comes up.

18-06-17, 18:44
Thank you for the reply NervUs.

Deep down I know that this is an important step, facing the fear, trusting a doctor, sitting with the anxiety and coping with it etc. it's just hard because it feels so real :( I can look at this mole one second and it looks fine and then a minute later I'll check again and it looks different to me. It's very strange, almost like a form of dysmorphia. In any case, you're right. Thank you for your supportive advice.
The mole phobia has got to be one of the worst HA fears.