View Full Version : Just when everything is going well..

18-06-17, 18:34
Well, I think I must have jinxed everything by saying to myself recently that everything was ticking along nicely - my HA has massively returned because my husband is not feeling quite right at the moment and naturally I am googling a lot and fearing the worse :(

He rarely has any health problems, nor does he suffer from health anxiety of any kind (he is always the one reassuring me lol). However, a few months ago, April I think, he started saying he was feeling light-headed and "out of it". Now he does have an extremely busy job as a software developer, looking at his computer all day, so I thought maybe it was just that. At the time, he also thought he was coming down with a cold/bug/virus so we put it down to that too. He felt sufficiently rubbish to take himself off to see the GP - very rare for him. The GP told him that it was almost certainly a viral illness but sent him for some blood tests anyway. She did mention that because we are both fairly new to the practice - only registered there at the end of last year when we moved to this area - that they thought it would be useful to have some results on the system for him, but the bloods all came back completely normal.

He got better and things were fine for a while, however over the past several days he says that the feeling light headed, and not "with it" and generally blergh feeling has returned. We have had a bit of a stressful week - we were non-stop busy last weekend, then both been really busy all week, and he has felt really rubbish. On Friday, he worked from home so that he could go and see the GP again, and this time he saw a nurse practitioner who checked all his observations - pulse, blood pressure, temp, oxygen levels, looked inside his ears, and said that everything was normal. Her opinion, given the normal observations and the recent normal blood tests, was that it was post-viral fatigue. :unsure:

He mainly gets this light-headed feeling when he stands up from sitting or lying down, although over this weekend there have been a few incidences of him having the feeling when just doing normal stuff, upright. It isn't stopping him living his everyday life as such, although today we have stayed at home and lounged around. I dont think the heat is helping. He drinks enough water.

I was really worried about him this morning so we called NHS 111 and a "clinician" called back and told him that she wasn't too sure what it could be, with all the recent tests being normal her advice was to go and visit his own GP again tomorrow and ask for his blood pressure to be taken in both the sitting and standing positions.

I have a couple of theories:

- it could be the heat, though this did originally start when it wasn't hot!

- Stress. He does have a high-profile, busy job, though he rarely externally shows stress as he loves what he does.

-General lifestyle. Now a lot of this I will admit is my fault. We both go to bed very late; he goes to bed around 11pm ish but often I don't come to bed until the early hours and he says he struggles to sleep when he knows I am still downstairs, and even if he does manage to dose off, it wakes him up when I come to bed, and he has to get up for work at 6.30am and so obviously feels really rough most mornings. My sleep pattern is very bad and I do need to work on this because I feel it's affecting him too. I am aware that I drastically need to change this!!

-General routine. We seem to be always disorganised and rushing around, me, him and the dog need to be in a much better daily routine, again, this needs to be on me to organise this as I am currently a full-time Housewife (no comments please, I am working extremely hard on finding work!).

These are the rational person possible reasons however as we all know with HA it's never that simple lol. So I am also very worried he may have heart problems, or a brain tumour (especially when he has the fuzzy head feelings that he often describes) or some awful, terminal disease. When I look at the symptoms of a brain tumour, he doesn't have anything like epilepsy or headache and vomiting. He has had the occasional mild headache but they go away with Paracetamol.

I am trying to reassure myself that all the bloods and observations have been normal so it can't be anything really sinister. Any ideas?!

---------- Post added at 17:34 ---------- Previous post was at 16:49 ----------

Is anyone there? I am really panicking now :( Just been googling and apparently the sudden drop in blood pressure which causes dizziness on standing up can be to heart valve problem and I dont think I can face losing my husband, he is my world, please help!! xx

18-06-17, 22:01
I believe it must be stress. A member of my family has something similar. He went to the GP, several different neurologists and other doctors and none of them found anything​ wrong with him. He was also having a very stressful job at the time. After a while he started feeling better. He changed the jon but he still gets light-headed once in a while.
I get light-headed sometimes too, especially when I move my head fast or when I try to look up. I can't take anything from a shelf that's above my eye level for example