View Full Version : Missed a few doses..

18-06-17, 17:50
I missed about 3 days of 5 mg last week, and Sunday I had physical feelings of anxiety but no worrisome thoughts..

Now, a week later, I keep getting these tickling feelings in my head. It made me literally laugh at first, like I was being tickled.. now it just feels like I need to have a goosebump chill in my head.. you know that feeling you get right before a chill? That's what my head feels like and it's so frustrating.

I've been on lexapro for like 10 months now, and I miss doses all the time.. one here and there. This was the first time I've missed 3 in a row.. and I'm just wondering if my physical feelings of being tickled in my brains... is a symptom. If it is, jeez that makes me want to never forget the pill. I do have issues with forgetting.

I got a new boyfriend also.. and I think the lexapro is giving me issues in the bedroom ya know? That's why I missed some doses.. thinking I'd experiment on if that's the reason I'm having problems.

Not worth trying.. if this tickling feeling is what I get. Makes me feel like my eyes need to burst out crying, except I'm not emotional over anything.. just the physical feeling of crying.. I dunno,. I'm just grrr

18-06-17, 18:26
I think it's likely to be related because missing doses for a few days can cause "brain zaps", or electrical sensations in head, especially when moving eyes. People describe these sensations in different ways, so what you're feeling would make sense. ADs need to be taken every day, you need to be compliant, otherwise you will get these withdrawal-like symptoms. It could also trigger an episode of anxiety/panic.

You should speak to your doc about sexual side effects - it's something that can be looked at.