View Full Version : Vit D and other stuff

18-06-17, 19:23
4 months ago, after being on Citalopram for years, I had a blood test as I was feeling so tired and achy. turns out I had a big vit d deficiency. I should have worked this out myself as I have noticed over the years I need less Citalopram in the summer than the winter! I have since been on large dose of vit D as prescribed and feel so well I cannot describe. I have also added in vit c and zinc, omega 3, magnesium, vit b and vit E with good effect. So much so I have gradually reduced my citalopram from 20 to 10 mgs over the last 6 weeks. I will stay on 10 mgs for about a month before I decide if I want to reduce further ... So scared of a relapse even tho I really know I am ready... just want to make sure my body gets used to being citalopram reduced without shocking it! A massive success.

18-06-17, 20:13

Thanks for the very interesting information. I recently had blood test for vitamin d deficiency as i was convinced that i am very low because i haven't really been out in the sun for the past six month. To my surprise my GP said i don't have a defiency and that no action is required. I didn't actually see the numbers, do you know what actually is a low number?

I'm happy to hear that you've had sucess with supplements as i am also suffering from fatigue and aches so would love to know kind of dosage you are taking. Thanks!

18-06-17, 21:30
Vitamin d is supposed to be 12 and mine was 6 and I felt dreadful. I take vitamin d3 3000 iu with k2 mk7, all in the same tablet, once a day usually with a calcium breakfast (milk). It's a high dose but it works for me. I must say since taking them I have actually started exercising, I could not have done that before and,God forbid, joined a slimming club to take off the weight I gained since taking citalopram! That is how well i feel. What did your gp suggest you do, is he going to investigate further? I did get really fed up hearing my anxiety was to blame for everything.

19-06-17, 14:40
Thanks for your reply. My GP is not going to investigate further and has also blamed everything on my anxiety. However i have been trying to help myself by taking various supplements like vitamin b complex, omega 3, and Magnesium. I am also now looking into vitamin C and D, also i don't think that a too high dosage, i have read some people take 10,000 iu if they're very low. Could i ask what type of Magnesium you are taking?

19-06-17, 14:43
Thanks for your reply. My GP is not going to investigate further and has also blamed everything on my anxiety. However i have been trying to help myself by taking various supplements like vitamin b complex, omega 3, and Magnesium. I am also now looking into vitamin C and D, also i don't think that a too high dosage, i have read some people take 10,000 iu if they're very low. Could i ask what type of Magnesium you are taking?

Yes, it is low. I was pleased to see the addition of K2 though because doses of vitamin D above certain levels without K2 cause calcification as the K2 acts to direct.

19-06-17, 15:05
The magnesium I take is magnesium oxide. The vitamin d amount I take is under the guidance of my GP, although she never mentioned k2, I found out about k2 from google! I do wonder if my GP knows much about alternative stuff/supplements..though she is good with clinical, thankfully. My whole mental health journey has involved quite a lot of self help. I am sure most of us can identify with that!

19-06-17, 15:24
From what I've read on on the internet they say magnesium oxide is not very effective because the body doesn't absorb much of it but i guess everyone's different. They say the best type is glycinate or taurine. Agree with you i don't think many GPs know much about supplements, it's a shame really because it would be good to have more research done on them.

19-06-17, 15:59
Oxide turns into Milk of Magnesia when it hits the water in stomach. It's more for GI things and so going too high has the obvious problem.

There's loads of types to try though. New ones are being made.

You just have to make sure you calculate how much magnesium you really get since it's lower than the labels (unless they state "elemental" value) as we don't have laws making them record it so it can be confusing. I never knew until I came across discussions about it and started digging.

I wish GP's knew more about it all too. Like you said, so much of this is about self help and finding what works.

Salt forms tend not to be a well digested as the body struggles with salt. Chelated forms get around that because they are bound to something the body absorbs better.

If GI issues are a concern, there are forms that dissolve prior to the stomach.

19-06-17, 16:04
Yes ,the magnesium I just got off the shelf in morrisons but I will research further with your findings. They are a recent addition to my supplements. It's nice to find others on here trying to help themselves too.

19-06-17, 16:09
There's some good magnesium threads on here where people have said what helped.

Any is better than nothing. I looked at oxide first but then I saw threads on here talking about different forms and went from there.

There's some good vit D ones too if you have a search. SADNoMore used to talk about it a lot and knew loads but she hasn't been on for ages. I know where some of the discussions are though as I post them for others asking about this stuff. So, I can add some links if you want?

19-06-17, 16:27
Yes please, would love to see the links you have. The vitamin d I know I have right for me but the magnesium ... well, I'm a bit in the dark. Always interested how others get on. Thank you.

20-06-17, 01:57
Here's one for the magnesium:

Magnesium supplementation has some grey areas we all need to understand otherwise we may dismiss it as useless without realising we are even dosing it properly. I've put some info in this thread:


There is more info if you follow my links in that thread and from the thread that takes you to into some useful info from other forums Follow the links to the thread on the Duloxetine board because there is an external link in there to another forum where a practitioner explains the different types. There are also some links in there to other threads on here where it has been discussed.

20-06-17, 10:36
I also found this post on Magnesium helpful, it explains the different types and has some comments from users.


20-06-17, 12:47
Thank you, magnesium is quite complicated but this is very useful to understand clearer.

11-10-17, 13:29
I found a good magnesium called magnesium tarate. Absorbs better.

13-10-17, 03:18
If you are Vit. D deficient, Mr. SUN will definitely help you. Try going out before the suns come out and have a good walk till it rises.