View Full Version : Worried once again

18-06-17, 19:27
I got HA again.

This time it is pain so thinking this leukaemia or bone cancer. Okay it was pretty warm last night sleeping so I was sweating more than usual, my bed was not soak.

Why do I always think the worst. When I get shoulder pain I think could this be lung cancer

18-06-17, 19:35

Shoulder pain, could be a number of things, to a pulled muscle, or just general aches.

I get aches and pains quite regular from my anxiety, if you have heat rub or ibuprofen gel, you could try putting some of that on, just to see if it helps the pain.

18-06-17, 19:53
I am trying not to Google. but now I have matched my leg pain I have found two or three types of cancers. I am trying to think sense that everybody gets pains.

18-06-17, 21:10
google is the worst! it tells you that you have throat cancer when you have just a sore throat.

18-06-17, 21:27
The Golden rule is sty off Dr Google :) Not easy but fill your time with positive things it will pass :) Cheers