View Full Version : Hot humid weather and feeling lousy - anyone else?

18-06-17, 21:39
I was just wondering if anyone else is struggling with this mini-heatwave?

I generally dread the onset of summer and can't deal with excessive heat and especially humidity. I don't go outside in this weather during the day - if I can help it - staying in the shade where I can as I can't bear the feeling of hot sun on my head or anywhere else for that matter. Got sunstroke once when I was younger and dafter from sitting out in the sun all day in the south of France - and I never want to experience nausea like that again!

London has been like a sauna for the last couple of days and whilst I am trying to acclimatize, this morning when I woke up I was stiff as a board, and have been suffering from various aches and pains all day -
stomach ache, headache, generally feeling off colour and a bit panicky. Doesn't help the fibromyalgia either which seems to act up in hot weather. Just sitting here waiting for the evening breeze to pick up so I can cool off and get some sleep ........

Anyone else find they are unusually sensitive to the hot weather or is it just me being a wimp?

18-06-17, 21:52
Humid here, and naseaous, achy, dizzy spells, and general ill feeling.

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19-06-17, 08:04
Same - had tonsilitus for 3 weeks and now got oral thrush due to antibiotics and heat. (I'm male) I wake up clammy switch for hot to cold sweats and energy is lacking!

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19-06-17, 08:49
I've never liked the heat, but I've felt awful the last week or so. Mostly joint pain and fatigue.

I actually made another thread where I suspected that it might have something to do with the unusually high pollen count and perhaps an immune system reaction.

19-06-17, 10:01
I like the Sun and the brightness it brings to the day but not the extreme heat we have experienced over the past few days - not helping my head pressure at all and having fair sensitive skin I have to be very careful :ohmy:

I prefer the same weather but with temperatures around the 22 - 25 mark, much more doable....

19-06-17, 13:21
It's not doing much for my asthma! Which feeds back into anxiety a bit although managed to separate most of that. Add the back problems in to the mix and it's not great.

I've found weather triggers whether cold or hot. Anxiety likes to make associations. . We just have to harden ourselves to it.

19-06-17, 13:37
My joints have been aching in the heat. High pollen and high air pressure too :(

19-06-17, 14:00
I'm the same. Maks me feel drained and generally rotten. I'm always taking deep breaths too because I feel like I can't get enough air into my lungs. Yukk!.


20-06-17, 03:33
Its been pretty hot and humid here in Canada where I live, and as of 2 days ago I started having weird feet sensations, they feel swollen and heavy... I also have had the last 2 weeks weird vertigo and just a general feeling of fatigue... i can only hope it is caused by the awful hot weather we're experiencing...

20-06-17, 05:01
My forecast has it several degrees hotter on Wednesday http://www.bestemoticon.com/smiley/ete/ete002.gif

20-06-17, 13:35
Oh dear. I am the same. Tough for asthmatic folk.

Aces and pains, sweat, fatigue and feeling miserable. Cold sores on the way. I have no cold though. Roll on Autumn.:shades:

25-06-17, 00:33
Same here. Well except it's very, very dry. And the a/c is broken. This type of weather makes me want to sleep and do nothing. But I'm trying my best to be as active as possible and think positively. Only a few more months until suffering ends.. then maybe I will complain that it's too cold :P

26-06-17, 18:03
I don't like the heat either, I have a fear of it since my dad got sunstroke when he was younger and nearly died. I think anxiety and depression make it even harder, because heat takes up so much energy, especially if you're not used to it, and we have little energy as it is.

I think it's important to just do what you can. Don't completely avoid going out all day, but do take breaks, stay in the shade, keep hydrated, avoid midday sun etc. It takes a lot for someone to get sunstroke and I'm sure you're much safer/ smarter about it now :)

28-06-17, 08:47
The sun worsens all my bad symptoms (IBS, bloating, anxiety, migraines)... It also makes me extremely irritable and grouchy. Nothing worse than the heat baking down on you if you've got these issues.