View Full Version : Every gland is swollen!?

18-06-17, 22:51
Hello, I was wondering if someone could reassure me or give me some advice if possible. Over the last few days my glands in the neck have been very swollen and sore, now today I assume what must also be a gland behind my ear (on the back of head/neck) is also extremely swollen as wll as the glands around the groin area.

I've never had this before where all my glands have been swollen at once ? I'm petrified it might be cancer or something serious, I'm not seeing my doctor for another three days and I'm struggling to sleep as I'm worrying.

Thanks for listening.

19-06-17, 01:39
Will worrying solve anything? No. You can't predict the out come. Until then you will have to keep busy. Try to meditate before sleep. Just breathe slowly, feel the bed, the soft sheets and just keep relaxing. Just because they are swollen doesn't mean its cancer.