View Full Version : Work & Anxiety

19-06-17, 00:16
Hey everyone,

Been suffering with GAD for over a yr now (30mg citalopram, 7week CBT start of this yr). And although I am in a better place overall, I am feeling overwhelmed with dealing with my anxiety in relation to work.

I am currently trying a technical project management role and to start with I enjoy the challenge but now with every email I get I stress about.

I feel that I need to change my approach to it and that I am causing alot of my own stresses and anxiety's due to my reaction to things.

Does anyone have any advice for dealing with work related anxiety and how to take a step back?

19-06-17, 00:48
Well you pretty much figured it out. Take a step back, mentally. Breathe slowly and deeply and focus on what is in front of you. Why do the emails stress you out? Do anticipate an imaginary problem before you open them to read?

19-06-17, 01:00
I think I do yeah, like "oh god what's this one?" Sort of approach which I really need to fix. I just find it hard to actually step back and try not to care so much about work when it's really not worth it

19-06-17, 01:05
Only you can change your thoughts. It's part of your job so don't stress over it. They are just emails, it's not a monster that is going to jump out and attack you!

19-06-17, 14:08
Work is an incredibly component of our lives. It's our means of making a living in this world. It's our stability. It's what takes up many hours of our lives per week. Work is meant to be a bit stressful for many; I feel it helps us adapt to other stress outside of work in regular life.

But sometimes work becomes OVERLY and chronically stressful, and that's when it becomes toxic. I feel like that's when you don't stop going to work or do a bad job, but you need to take a step back after the work day is over, on the weekends, on holidays and vacation days and do something constructive for stress relief and your overall mental health. Many people exercise, others meditate, and some people find other random hobbies to take their minds off of work such as gardening, painting, etc. It is important to have these other activities to relieve stress after work, no matter how important a current or upcoming meeting, event or project is. If you're not on your game due to stress, it can only make things worse. So take care of yourself and the quality of your work will follow.

I do suggest exercise to anyone and everyone, whether or not they are burdened with anxiety. It has truly helped me deal with many issues, anxiety included. I do write a blog called The Anxiety Press (www.anxietypress.com) that goes into fitness topics and more, and it is geared more towards people with anxiety. Take a look and see if it helps!

19-06-17, 16:23
Thank you both for your help!

Yeah i think i've got to the point where i'm finding it overly stressful and need to just remind myself to not worry over it so much! The emails are no monsters haha.

With investing in hobbies that I really enjoy and help with stress i flick between yoga, music and painting but i think i need to get a routine in place! One day a week used to be CBT night but since i have finished the course i dont have a set routine and usually use the gym when i'm already stressed, rather than a preventative measure.

Hopefully will get back on track and just having a moment of madness. I'm just worried that my anxiety will consume me again. And i have come to far to let it do that!!

Thanks again :)