View Full Version : Laser (for women)

10-05-07, 09:09
Hello all!

This may be a weird place to post this kind of question, but I really need answers from people like me (i.e. who worry more about their health :))

I am seriously considering having laser hair removal on various areas of my body... I have dark hair, so even the littlest amounts of hair show.

Anywhoo... What I am worried about is the long term risk of this treatment - specifically, can it cause the big C?

Has anyone here done it or heard anything about it? There seems to be a new, cold laser - is this safer?

When I do Google searches, I don't realy see anything related to the big C, but a lot of the sites are selling the treatment, so they would be biased!

Any information would be much appreciated. I really want to do this, as I am extremely self conscious... but if there is any serious risk, of course I will not.


10-05-07, 09:16
Hi Lola,

I've had laser treatment before to remove a tattoo from my arm and also to remove a mole from my armpit. I have never heard of it being related to cancer hun. Which is just as well lol cos I'd NEVER have had it!!!! Hopefully someone will come along soon with better advise hun. xxx

10-05-07, 09:56
We do laser treatment at the hospital where I work. I've never heard anything about the long term effects and whether it is related to the cause of anything serious. From what I know, it is a safe treatment.

However, I would suggest you seek advice from your doctor - they should be able to refer you to reputable practioner. (I also work as a beauty therapist and there are lots of salons that offer this treatment, but personally I would rather be treated by a medical professional than a beauty therapist).

Also be aware that it can take many many treatments before you get the result you want. I'd suggest a consultation with someone first and a realistic opinion from them before you go down this route, as it could become very expensive.

Best of luck, let us know how you get on!

10-05-07, 16:25
Hi there

I'm not so sure that laser treatment is permanent. I had electrolysis years ago (which flippin hurts) but I can vouch for it's permanency. I remember the woman who administered the electrolysis telling me that if hair removal was as easy as simply lasering then why would people go for electrolysis?

I would do what Lass suggested, go for a consultation in order that you understand the process and the potential cost.

Kay x

10-05-07, 23:41
Thanks for your responses guys :)

I have been thinking about this all day! Two of my sisters have done the epilight treatment and say it is very effective. I am skeptical, as my expectations are sometimes maybe unrealistic. But anyway, now I want to get it done right away! But I have a tan and so will probably have to wait... Plus summer is coming and I will be going to the beach, so will have to wait even longer! In the meantime, though, I am going to take your advice and go in for a consultation asap.

Will keep you posted!
