View Full Version : this hot weather makes me anxious!!

19-06-17, 10:13
I feel like im over anxious in this heatwave, im lightheaded and so tired I'm worrying myself!! im anxious I haven't drunk enough water, im worrying I need to go home its too hot!! im worried im going to overheat. I'm grumpy and irritable and need to be left alone!

anyone else?!

20-06-17, 00:50

Yeah there are a few posts over in Health Anxiety

But yeah I can relate too. Been in pain with sunburn (I have a really pale complexion) and the thoughts of skin cancers / heat stroke crossed my mind.

Wish my mind would just calm it a bit more :)

20-06-17, 13:54
yes skin cancer worries me im always checking all my moles!! I keep feeling really heavy and thinking don't pass out!!

22-06-17, 08:52
Yep I'm with you. Felt really anxious about train journey to work, what if there's no air con what if I pass out and similar crap. I'm so pissed off with myself for feeling like this. Main symptoms I get are stomach churning, nausea and feeling light headed.