View Full Version : It's me again and i'm scared

10-05-07, 09:16
Hi everyone

I am feeling really down and scared again:lac: Well I went to see a physician specialist last week and Thursday.He did an ecg while i was laying down another test I had two run while hooked up to an ecg and some other test can't remember the name but I had to stand dead still after all this also hooked up to the ecg.I had a blood sugar test to rule out diabetes and a reflex test.He checked my weight Im a bit under weight but he said not to worry.Well what I'm trying to say that he said i was healthy and fit and he was happy with me and told me he was proud cause I'm doing much better but the thing is I'm getting really bad chest pains and now I feel like I have a tight skulp and I'm really scared it's freaking me out:weep:

Can anyone tell me what to do I'm only 21 and I am thinking I'm gonna have a heart attack:ohmy:
Do you think they missed something?

10-05-07, 12:53
It sounds like they have cheaked out most promblems. I get chest pains too and quite alot. I mentioned it to my doctor and he said its because of not breething proberly and so the mucles lining the heart are tensed up. He suugesting breating relaxation. I know how it can make you worry and feel like you are going to have a heart attack at any second but there are other reasons why chest pains are caused. Try not to worry and talk to your GP about your concerns.
Hope that helps

10-05-07, 13:02
Hi Cindi,

I'm sure your doctor is right - you are young and certainly not overweight!
If you need reassurance over the phone I see there is a helpline in South Africa http://www.anxiety.org.za/

Take Care

10-05-07, 13:27
Thanks guys
I'm not sure why I keep heading in the wrong direction ,Its like things seems better for a little while and the boom all back to the worst again

10-05-07, 21:23
No the odds for you at 21 to have a heart attack are astronomical..I wouldn't even think about heart attack..It has happened to people at random but normally they find it was because of athletic activity or some drug use or something.No ..I would think if the doctor is happy with your check up then you should be happy and don't worry about heart attack not for another 50 years or so.. Take care and try not to worry ..You will be fine..

10-05-07, 21:39
All classic anxiety symptoms and not death!

You have been checked out so you have to believe that you are ok and move on or it will destroy you.

Read the coping page and the symptoms page for reassurance.

10-05-07, 23:59
Sweetie, I can feel for you .I have a terrible pounding in my head radiating from the back of my neck .I can hear every creak and groan and skipped beat that my heart makes. My neck kills me all the time..Probably arthritus but still hurts..

I get dizzy and hear that sound almost around the clock .. the doctors two of them one a gp and the other a vascular specialist both told me its a condition you live with not treatible.Ok that leaves me worrying hmmm did they miss something. I have a nurse friend that i explained all this too and she said there is nothing absolutly wrong with you get busy..

I didnt believe her for a long time .. i got busy .guess what no heart attack.. and still staying busy but when quite time comes I sit and feel and wonder about this and that and think..did they miss something ,could they be wrong.. do i have a bad artery or anurysm .. and well the next day comes am im still here and I get busy again..and bask in the thought I made it another day maybe i can make another day.

Cindy.. its just hard for us to accept something that feels so wrong to be ok..We all do it and well .. its normal..somedays you will feel that way other days you wont..besides you cant sit and wait to have a heart attack..

What if you sit for another 50 years and do nothing waiting on that heart attack .. and then you would have wasted all those years..There is no gurarantess. .no written warranties on our bodies.. But the odds are against you having one..BIGTIME..I went through the samething 30 years ago and im 52 so im still here so give it sometime to sink through and you will realize you cant worry about it..

Before i go i wanted to share one piece of info with you for example..
My husbands brother was a brilliant man ..a mathamatician .. He lived in the philippines..He walked everywhere he went wouldnt ride because of fear of geting in a car wreck .He stressed for years over his thoughs of having a heart attack or something else wrong with him..

He had to keep his mind active with random number generating and formulas to keep from losing his mind with anxiety ..Yes it was that bad. Over the years he found ways of dealing with the anxiety but wasted almost all of his 54 years worrying about a heart attack..

We were in route there and he was crossing a street and a bus overtook another car and came over the sidewalk hit him and through him through the windshield and he almost died ..and did three hours after we arrived but all the years spent in worry for health and a bus ended up killing him ..What im trying to say here sweetie is just hang in there and relax and try not to worry about things we have no control over and liver every moment to its fullest with no regrets..God Bless.. take care

11-05-07, 06:59
thank you all so much for replying and thanks Looking for answers for taking the time to writing all that just for me means a lot