View Full Version : Constant checking and reassurance seeking

19-06-17, 21:52
So I'm not even sure whether this qualifies as HA, because I suppose it is only losely a health concern, but for a good few weeks now I've been obsessing about my hair thinning. I don't know whether it is or not (I'm totally convinved it is, but other people tell me it looks normal).
I'm really struggling with negative behaviour around this. I check my hair in the mirror numerous times a day. I count hairs that fall out when I am brushing or in the shower. I spend ages googling photos of women's hair to compare with my own. I constantly put my hair into different styles to look at it from different angles.
I've had HA for years and I know how destructive google is. I am surprised and unhappy that I've allowed my checking to get this out of hand and the constant
reassurance seeking as well, which ranges from looking online to asking numerous people for their opinion. My husband refuses to even engage with me about it which makes me feel worse, although I do get why he won't discuss it.
I really have no idea how to stop this negative behaviour. I am reaching the point where I'm willing to fork out for a private dermatologist appointment, just to get a professional opinion about my hair. I don't even know why I am so stressed about this. My usual stresses are cancer or something deadly. Losing my hair wouldn't be nice, but it would't kill me either. I can't even think rationally at all about this.

19-06-17, 21:55

Besides all the Googling stuff, if you're counting hairs, you're going a bit too deep in the rabbit hole on this one! I would avoid the dermatologist and look into a therapist tbh.

Positive thoughts

19-06-17, 22:02
Thanks Fishman, I have a low dose of citalopram and I'm going in circles about whether to take them or not, things are definitely not good with this one :(