View Full Version : New here

20-06-17, 00:41
Hi everyone,

My first post - just wanted to introduce myself. Hello! :)

I have been dealing with anxiety for the past 15 years. It started when I had my first child, I had bad postpartum depression and anxiety. I went on medication (paroxetine) for about a year, and then again when I had my second child. Since then, I have managed to stay off the meds (save for a short time a few years ago where I started again after being made redundant, and stopped after about 4-5 weeks). I have done CBT (online) which has been very helpful, and I wouldn't hesitate to do it again.

I have moderate generalized anxiety which is highly situational/circumstantial and I am able to cope with it relatively well most of the time. However, I also have bad health anxiety. This has gotten worse over the past couple of years and is what I find really debilitating.

I've read lots of posts on here, especially in the HA forums, and know about avoiding Dr Google. I have definitely found that my HA is much better when I don't google things! However, my situation is kind of unique in that I work in medical publishing and I have to research all kinds of diseases and medications for my job (writing articles for medical journals). I cannot avoid reading about health issues! My HA is triggered by symptoms that I or others in my family are experiencing, so the times when my symptoms happen to coincide with a disease I am writing about are few and far between (thankfully). However, I've been doing this job for a long time so I just know stuff. I know too much, but not enough. By that I mean that I know enough to make me officially freak out, but not enough that I can reassure myself (as a doctor might) that I don't actually have a dreadful disease and that I'm not going to die.

I struggle sometimes to handle the knowledge that I do have. My husband doesn't have a medical background so he never even considers the worst-case scenarios when one of us or our kids are sick/injured. He wouldn't know, and he doesn't google (wise man). I, on the other hand, immediately jump to conclusions based on what I already know about the symptoms, and then turn myself inside out with worry and panic. I'm then tempted to google, which I know I shouldn't do.

Anyway, sorry for the huge introduction but I wanted to set the scene a bit. I have found many helpful posts here already and it looks like a really supportive environment. I'm looking forward to moving forward and getting a bit better at managing my HA along the way.

Nice to meet you all!

20-06-17, 00:49
Hiya HAtothemax and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

20-06-17, 01:43
Hi and welcome to the forum! :welcome:

They say knowledge is a double-edged sword and it's clearly helping as much as harming you in the process. Of course, your particular job doesn't necessarily help with your anxiety. It's amazing how most people with anxiety simply assume the worst case scenario all the time.

It's obvious you have already began looking through the threads on this great site. Still, reading and learning is two different things. I hope that you will get the answers you seek and fight the urge to search up Google. It's a great tool but, like everything in life, excess of it can be bad.

Enjoy you stay here and let's hope you make some new friends too! :)

20-06-17, 02:16
I have a experience with medical terminology and reviewed may OR reports etc in order to determine medical necessity for procedures. I never gave it a second thought, its not me, its the patients medical issues.

I do remember in college when taking Psychology that the professor warned us that this is just a text and not to think we have these issues that we will read.

I have done CBT with a therapist in person and it has helped me tremendously. Why don't you go back to it?

You can challenge your thoughts and focus on reality. It takes work and practice. Good luck!