View Full Version : Steps towards recovery :)

20-06-17, 02:10
Well I've been to the doctor, I've had my ribs checked out and xrayed. So far he says he hasn't seen anything like a lump or bump on my ribs and the radiologist has said that everything looks good so far. I still have to wait a couple of days to make sure they don't call me back but if my doctor didn't see anything out of the ordinary then its a pretty safe bet I'm okay :ohmy:

Anyways we talked about and edited my medication, and this is where the hardest step occurred. I have HA, it took a couple of years for me to accept that. Medication while not the end all be all answer for all anxiety can still be helpful if used alongside with other outlets such as counseling.

My anxiety is not completely gone, and unfortunately its a cycle. Give it a couple more months and I will be worrying again about cancer or ebola or some other extremely rare condition :shrug: But through everything the first good step towards recovery for a HA sufferer is acceptance I feel.

Any other HA sufferers like to give some advice or methods they find helpful when going through an anxiety attack? :)