View Full Version : Worrying about bone and leukaemia

20-06-17, 12:40
I'm am scared and worried I have either bone or leukaemia because of the leg pains I have, it not 24/7 pains I have got in my legs and arms.

Because I have looked at the nhs website at two or three things (nhs) I have looked at leukaemia symptoms and bone cancer and both say pains.

I dont have any of the other symptoms for these two type of cancers. I keep forgetting as it says unlikely to be and could be soemthing else.

I had blood tests earlier this year and that was clear (I had these done because I have NF) I needed a retest done because my white cells were high so I panic but it was down to me having a cold as the 2nd tme was clear

20-06-17, 12:46
If I looked at spine cancer I'm 100% sure it would say pain does that mean I have spine cancer? Considering i have lower back pain all day everyday for the last 10 years No it wouldn't you can find anything on the web to suit your needs.

20-06-17, 14:42
I'm am scared and worried I have either bone or leukaemia because of the leg pains I have, it not 24/7 pains I have got in my legs and arms.

Because I have looked at the nhs website at two or three things (nhs) I have looked at leukaemia symptoms and bone cancer and both say pains.

I dont have any of the other symptoms for these two type of cancers. I keep forgetting as it says unlikely to be and could be soemthing else.

I had blood tests earlier this year and that was clear (I had these done because I have NF) I needed a retest done because my white cells were high so I panic but it was down to me having a cold as the 2nd tme was clear

Do you realise how many things have the symptom "pains"?

20-06-17, 15:31
Thank you for your replies.

But why do I keep thinking the worst all the time, I thought I had testicular cancer earlier this year and other things in the past, it is an endless cycle. I know I need help but thinking in another way is hard. Do I trust a doctor/GP or Dr Google,

20-06-17, 16:18
You need to avoid Dr.Google. Dr.Google thinks EVERYTHING is cancer :blush:

Leg pains are very common. If your GP isn't worried then trust your GP. I know for HA sufferers it's hard (I myself currently think I have colon cancer at 23 years old) but leg pains on their own don't mean cancer :D

Take some pain meds stretch your legs or go see a chiropractor. Cancer is a common fear here :)

20-06-17, 22:11
Thank you for your reply.

It could be that I am sitting down to much, it started when my mum heard someone had shingles last week and she was worried that it was passed on to her. because I google the symptoms and it said this was a symptom, than i google Bone cancer and leukaemia and these were symptoms on cancer.

I had this type of pain before when i had physio, I thought I had cancer and went to the walk in centre, saw a GP. but I did it on the way home from the match but we had snow that day.

I cannot get out my head that this is bad, I am in my 30s and I am scard that every pain is bad. even though I had bloods taken twice for whatever was tested due to me having NF as well as a urine sample, brain scan because of soft lump on brain (not cancerous) think it one of these NF lumps or bright spot

---------- Post added at 21:08 ---------- Previous post was at 18:04 ----------

I dont know whether my pain in abdominal and elbow pains are connected to my fears I may have leukaemia (even my last blood test was clear) or probably down to heat, I know think my abominal pain is bowel cancer even though I was tested four years ago and all what was seen was a small common pouch which is not serious.

I am scared of every pain, I nearly trip over my foot tonight so thinking this could be bad

---------- Post added at 21:40 ---------- Previous post was at 21:08 ----------

I dont have any brusing on my body, no strange rashes etc, no night sweats, even though the last few nights have been pretty warm to sleep, but still worried, I have been to GP twice this year, but think I need blood tests, I am scared I have something wrong. or could be normal pains.

---------- Post added at 21:43 ---------- Previous post was at 21:40 ----------

Also finger pains, I think I spend to long on the computer Googling, but worried this is serious with these pains.

---------- Post added at 22:11 ---------- Previous post was at 21:43 ----------

Do you realise how many things have the symptom "pains"?

Thanks I am trying to think sensible but I keep thinking the worst things first, I know I was very worried I had testicular cancer and thought the worst than.

I am still trying to get the help I need

21-06-17, 10:37
The pains are in the back of my legs, I think sometimes it how I sit, I woke up with leg pain during the night which made me worry that I got something serious wrong with me even though the chances are low. Trying not to look at the stats of the types of cancer which I am currently worry about with the symptoms for my age range

21-06-17, 15:45
I am starting to think that it sometimes how I walk where my legs ache, but still cant get out that it either one of the big cs. I have wasted a lot of the last 6 years worrying if I got cancer, and been wrong lots of times. The only thing I been right about is having a tooth abcess

22-06-17, 17:36
I did not wake up with leg pain during the night last night, but scared still about the odd pain, aches, I dont think I loss weight, my mum gets these pains, arthritis runs in on my mum side of the family. Why do I keep thinking everything I get symptom wise in the big c I am still stuck on with the worry of leukaemia and bone cancer, last week it was bowel cancer, a few weeks ago it was testicular cancer, as well as brain tumours, it a none stop party

---------- Post added at 15:03 ---------- Previous post was at 12:38 ----------

Also panicing about penile cancer, I thought the old duty helmet for me looks a bit more purple than usual and my foreskin seems to be the same colour normal me, but the more I check the more I find something is serious wrong which does not seem normal for me, the more I panic. I dont know whether this is causing my leg and arm pain as I am not having any other symptoms which I know about.

---------- Post added at 17:25 ---------- Previous post was at 15:03 ----------

I want to keep running to the GP with every problem I got. but that means nobody else can see a GP at the pratice I current with

---------- Post added at 17:36 ---------- Previous post was at 17:25 ----------

You need to avoid Dr.Google. Dr.Google thinks EVERYTHING is cancer :blush:

Leg pains are very common. If your GP isn't worried then trust your GP. I know for HA sufferers it's hard (I myself currently think I have colon cancer at 23 years old) but leg pains on their own don't mean cancer :D

Take some pain meds stretch your legs or go see a chiropractor. Cancer is a common fear here :)

Thank you for your comment, I am trying to get the c word out my head, but bone pain, leg pain and arm pain to me is cancer, I am scared

22-06-17, 17:46
With respect Unsure... what is it you're hoping for here? Obviously reassurance isn't working as documented by the downward spiral of your posts.

Positive thoughts

22-06-17, 23:05
Hello unsure

I'm in a rut myself at the moment and am also finding it difficult to keep my thoughts under control. Over the last 7-8 months i've had myself diagnosed with all manner of cancers and diseases. My most recent one being my bowels due to some strange changes. Doctor has said that it seems like irritable bowel yet here I am wishing to ask to have every other condition ruled out, just to be safe.

Once this spiral starts, it's very difficult to stop. I sound like a hypocrite considering i'm in a similar thought pattern, but let me break down your problems.

1. Aching limbs, chest pain, abdomen pain, headaches and all that good stuff. People without anxiety get random pain at times. People WITH anxiety get them a lot of the time, tension builds up and your muscles are basically yelling at you for being too stressed all the time. This leads to twitching, aching, sharp pains and so on. As for bone pain, I also get this as i'm double jointed and while it's uncomfortable it doesn't indicate that there's anything wrong with them.

2. The chances of you having any form of cancer at what i'm assuming is a young age (under 50 is the given standard) without previous family history are very small indeed. I'll echo what a lot of people here say when it comes to cancer, you would know if you had it. The symptoms for the ones you listed aren't just little aches and pains, they cause all manner of symptoms that would be obvious to a doctor just from a basic physical exam. You've had blood tests which indicate that you absolutely do not have leukemia, thinking about it any more is just going to drive you up the wall. I know you see shock stories in all the gossip newspapers about people being misdiagnosed when they actually had cancer blah blah blah. But think about it, if it happened all the time, it wouldn't be news...would it? That should give you an idea of how exceedingly rare an occurence it is.

3. Something that I often have to remind myself of. Doctors have their reputations on the line, which means they do not make a habit of misdiagnosing people. That's not to say that they don't make mistakes, of course they do, they're human like us. But what i'm saying is that they spent most of their life studying medicine and see dozens of patients every day. They get to know serious illness just by a basic physical. If they thought there was anything seriously wrong with you, I assure you they would have referred you on if they thought it was needed.

Like me, you suffer from health anxiety. I also pester doctors needlessly and feel extremely guilty about it. I'm lucky to have several patient and kind doctors who sympathise with my condition and would do anything in their power to help me.

Your doctors will be no different, you are their patient and they have your best interests at heart when it comes to your health. Learn to trust them, explain to them how you feel and that you're having difficulty coming to terms with your health anxiety jumping from one ailment to the next.

A lot of people question their doctors once they know you have health anxiety, they believe that they'll no longer be taken seriously that that'll be the one time something serious will be wrong with them. Not true, once anxiety enters the picture it starts to creep up the list of likely causes for your problems and in 99% of cases, it IS anxiety that is to blame.

I hope this helped in some way, please try and talk to your doctor about your anxiety, be honest with them and I promise you they'll do what they can to put your mind at ease. I can't stress this enough, -trust your doctor-!

24-06-17, 10:32
Thanks for the comment.

I am now worried about eye whether this is eye cancer, with a bit of pain in the corner of the eye and blurred vision. I know the pollen count has been quite high the last few days, but spending time on the computer does not help, I could be due for some new glasses. If I went into the GP about every symptom I was worried about I be there for hours

24-06-17, 11:37
Ridiculously rare and not even worth considering. I get blurred vision, disturbances and hypnic jerks with flashing lights almost every night. I've had my eyes checked and pictures of behind the eye taken. All anxiety and severe stress reaction.

Go see your doctor and tell them your worries but also tell them your health anxiety is spiralling. It won't go away on its own but your gp is the first contact for better help.

24-06-17, 16:46
Thanks for the comment.

I am now worried about eye whether this is eye cancer, with a bit of pain in the corner of the eye and blurred vision. I know the pollen count has been quite high the last few days, but spending time on the computer does not help, I could be due for some new glasses. If I went into the GP about every symptom I was worried about I be there for hours

My rule of thumb for myself is, if I find myself jumping from cancer to cancer within a matter of days or weeks, I need to accept my symptoms are anxiety.