View Full Version : Back pain

10-05-07, 12:38
Hi all,

Never posted for a while as i've been doing good recently. Not so today though.........:shrug: i have really bad back pain in the lower region, also sharp pain that's travelling down both thighs and even into my left calf. I've been bothered with my back on and off for about 2 yrs, but my minds suddenly went into overdrive today thinking what if its a tumour growing , pressing on the nerves. I know the HA never completely leaves me but i was doing good, i feel like im back at the start again, and the thing is im in a lot of pain, any advice would be so helpful, sorry for going on a bit.

Take care xx

10-05-07, 17:23
Hello !
There's no way you're back at the start again ! When you feel anxious the old "what ifs .." are bound to flare up occasionally. Don't be bluffed by these old ways of thinking, becasue that's all they are THOUGHTS !
You've been doing really good recently - and you will again - just let these unhlpful thoughts go - you don't need them - you're doing fine without them !!!
Be kind to yourself

11-05-07, 03:00
This sounds like sciatica, if you've had the problem for 2 years or more, it's not likely to be a tumour. The irrational thoughts and fears are only that, so, like Neptuno says, don't be bluffed by them. The pain is no fun though, so if over the counter pain relief is not working, get along to your doc for something stronger.

11-05-07, 03:14
Sounds like a pinched sciatic nerve to me. I get it a lot.
Unfortunately the only treatment is painkillers (paracetamol etc)
Phill :shades:

11-05-07, 18:57
I does sound like sciatica, which I think is mostly about pinched nerves in your buttock/sacrum area. It may not be a lasting thing though, and remember that anxiety creates tension in your muscles, neck/shoulder and buttock muscles in particular. I'd go and see an osteopath if I were you.

To relieve the pain, try lying down on your back, book under your head, feet flat on floor hip width apart, with your knees up, for 20 mins or so. This usually helps with lower back pain (this position originates from the Alexander Technique I believe). It usually helps me, no matter where in my back the pain is.

Hope that helps.


11-05-07, 20:18
Hi Kitty kat

I have suffered back and neck pain for years and it can be so painfull siatica is a strange thing can hit you almost anywere
I went to see a osteopath and it worked great he also recomended I bought a tens machine and it was the best £25 I have ever spent I use it on mt back ,neck,legs ,arns they are great i wouldnt be without mine and they are so small you can wear it anytime and no one knopws
hope you get some relief asap as I know how painfull it is

13-05-07, 11:41
Thanks everyone for your replies first of all.......well it was so painful I gave in and went to see my GP, he never really told me what it was though and just gave me painkillers (tramadol 50mg).
He 's referred me to the physio as a one off for advice ,but im still in a lot of pain with it and feel im no further forward, ive still this niggling fear of a tumour as ive had the pain for almost 2wks now, and i get scared the doc doesn't take me seriously because of my health anxiety.
I'm sorry if i'm going on a bit but im just feeling really scared just now and thats with my prozac i just cant cope at the mo........:weep: