View Full Version : Worried about a broken foot again.

Clydesdale Epona
20-06-17, 16:12
I dropped an ice cube on my foot for a split second and now I have a little red lump and I'm terrified its because its the bone but I don't fancy getting on a 2 hour bus ride just to go to A and E, can't stop freaking out. not sure if a brief bounce from an ice cube can hurt a bone so bad that it would almost protrude but now I'm just terrified and trying not to bend it, this will drive me crazy for the rest of day :weep:

20-06-17, 16:24
Yeh I don't mean to sound rude but unless the ice cube was the size of a breeze block or even a brick I dont think you have much to worry about.

20-06-17, 16:50
An ice cube?

You are experiencing an intrusive thought!

20-06-17, 17:02
How much pain are you in? That's quite key to break, they hurt lots!

But unless you dropped something heavy a break is always very unlikely. That's the anxiety talking.

People drop things on there feet all the time. The appropriate response is too rude to post here :biggrin: but anxiety is irrational, out of proportion with the event. And it's one of your HA themes isn't it? So, it's bound to start on you as it's making an association with a known fear you already have.

I would say put some ice on the bruise but you'll probably give me a slap! :biggrin: