View Full Version : Real Symptom or Real Anxiety

20-06-17, 17:50
So for the last week I have had this urge to pee that comes and goes. I went to the doc and no uti, no pain, nothing. But now I feel like it is in my head and I am starting to obsess that I am going too often. Of course, I've narrowed it down to tumor, diabetes and low chance of pregnancy. How can I stop the obsessive checking behavior about how often I pee and move on? I can't focus on anything else so it feels like I have to pee all the time!

20-06-17, 18:46
Read this... (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/articles/symptoms#Kidneys_urgency_to_urinate_frequent_urina tion_sudden_urge_to_go_to_the_toilet)

Positive thoughts