View Full Version : Heart Attack

10-05-07, 13:32
Been feeling quite good recently.

But have a re-occuring problem that seems to have come back.
I am getting pains in my chest area. Surprise surprise it is on the left hand side behing my breast and slightly up/to the left.

As always I start thinking the worst and believe I will have a heart attack at any moment.

I am constantly trying to convince myself that there is no way it can be.
.I am resonably fit and don't smoke
.The pain is too far left.
.I have been checked before and nothing showed up.
.Can do an hours dance class with no pain.
.Not breathless until I think hard and start to panic
.etc etc :ohmy:

I have started to take half an asprin every day just in case.

Reassurance please.

10-05-07, 17:18
Hello !

What you describe is muscle tension due to stress and anxiety. True heart pain is not experienced where you feel this pain. I'm glad you have all the facts at your fingertips, read them again and again and again - memorise them. Don't be bluffed by thinking "what if ....." Have a look at www.emofree.com (http://www.emofree.com) I really think this tapping technique will help you control the way you think about these pains and calm your panic attacks. It works for me.
Be kind to yourself

miss motown
10-05-07, 23:06
hi hun im like you.ive had these pains in my chest on and off for sometime and yes there on the left side ive been admitted twice now with expected heart attack as there not just chest pains i get the pains down left arm a crushing on my chest and i go violently sick ive been checked and kept in for a day but it has always came back with anxiety.well tonight was the same feeling i was in work and it started againe that crushing chest pain i was convinced againe that this was it i was goina have a heart attack well that was around 5 oclock its now 11 and im still here so i guess its all just anxiety it is hard and i now its just stress and musle tention but like you it still niggles in the back of your mind that its the heart.just try and relax

12-05-07, 13:14

i have a terrible fear of heart attacks after my husband suffered two within 3 months at the age of 40. but i can reasure you that if you where having a heart attack you would no about it, the pain doesnt normally strike in the chest its mainly in the back and under shoulder blades although you will get pain in the chest. i used to convince myself i was having a heart attack but i can assure you it is muscle tension i have had pains in my breat bone for about 2 years now and i have only just learnt to cope with it.

always remember if you where having a heart attack, you wouldt be able to carry on with day to day activities like going to work, doing exercise, cleaning the house etc, the pain would be so severe it would stop you doing these things

take care


14-05-07, 15:46
Yep, I can relate to description, of your aches and pains, and the fact that you can work out in your dance class. I too can work out fairly easily, but that does'nt get away from my tnesion induced pains in my chest, Usually at work. I recently had a holiday from work, "hey no tension pains at all" return to work, within hours the aches paind and tightness in my chest reappear.
Since I've found this site I've been reassured that I'm not having a heart attack. However it still doesn't make my chest pain go away.
I find now that I know what causes it.... A bad working environment.

14-05-07, 20:02
Hi Nach

I haven't been on the site for a while! I have got "pain / discomfort" for most of the day. I usually have pains or it feels like someone has their hand in my chest. I know these can be very frightening and frustrating. Try to breathe through your diaphram. Tell yourself that it is just excess adreneline causing it and you will be okay.

All the best


14-05-07, 20:20
It sounds like anxiety pains.

Do some stretches with your arms behind your back.

Don't forget that the heart is a muscle so it needs exercise too.