View Full Version : Reasons to wake up with a headache other than a brain tumour?

21-06-17, 10:13
Just woke up this morning with a headache, it's not bad but every time I move my head or shake it, it hurts. The pain is along the sides of my head, and I have never had a headache here before, I did also wake up with a stuffy nose but I do most mornings anyway. Does anyone know of a reasons for waking up with a head ache other than the scary ones, I really don't wanna google.

21-06-17, 10:25
Dehydration, stress, anxiety, cold, flu, sinus infections, allergies, posture, migraine, just one of those things...

Most people get headaches quite a lot, you're very lucky if this is your first one! I get blinders quite frequently and don't think any more about them than reaching for the paracetamol. They are nearly always nothing to worry about, and having a mild headache for a short period of time and thinking brain tumour is the only option is, frankly, illogical to the extreme.

21-06-17, 10:35
Clenching your jaw while sleeping. I woke up with terrible headaches for months. Doctors couldn't find anything.
Dentist said I clenched and grinded my teeth while sleeping. He pushed a pressure point half way down my jaw and said 'does this hurt?' Pain shot up behind my eye into my forehead and eyebrow area. Suddenly everything made sense.

21-06-17, 15:10
All of the above. Plus insomnia.

Anxiety & depression are well known to impact on sleep. That can bring all sorts of aches & pains, fatigue, etc.

22-06-17, 02:02
Probably a brain tumor is the least likely reason to have a headache.