View Full Version : I cant win

10-05-07, 15:19
I had a massive Panic Attack this morning, first full one for a long time. Feeling very down as I have had to have a drink to settle myself. I've got a doctors appointment at 5:10 this afternoon for my results on my ultra sound. Going to look one classy lady going in smelling like a brewery!!! I hate myself when Im like this.

I have convinced myself the results will be really bad and sure that has been the main trigger for today. I had picked myself up and got out of the drinking thing only to fall flat on my face today of all days. I dont only do it for relief but almost as a test to make sure it is anxiety. If booze doesnt take it away there is something definately wrong. Im an idiot.

Anway was going to post all my symptoms etc and say how bad I felt but guess what .............. it has gone now, suprise suprise, will I never learn, I have the intellectual capacity of a farleys rusk!

A very sad upset Latic

P.S I may change my name soon to as my football team is about to drop out of the premiership and that isnt making me feel any better either!!! Boo Hoo

10-05-07, 15:27
Dont be so hard on yourself hun. It understandable you are worried about the test results. I quite often turn to alcohol which is a big promblem for me. Try not to worry and brush your teeth before you go to the docs.lol.
Hope the results go ok.
Take care

10-05-07, 17:04
Don't beat yourself up for having a drink toots! A panic attack it a big shock to the system and most of us have a drink when we have had a shock.

You told me the other day (when i was worried about drinking) just to try and cut it down bit by bit and i have did it, i didn't have a drink mon. tue, had a couple last night and not planning to have one tonight, so don't you feel ashamed for having one coz you were in a bad situation, your a good person and that's all that matters.

Good luck with the test results.
thinking of you
lots a love


10-05-07, 18:59
Thank u so much for the replies peeps means a lot. Well had the appointment and dont think he noticed Id had a drink, in fact said how well and toned I look..... oooooo?!!!!? Must have done me some good. Tests came back completely clear said I have perfectly healthy pelvis, and not to worry the left ovary didnt show on the scan, because he wasnt concerned. Felt really good and hopefully will accept there is nothing wrong with along with everthing else he has told me!! I live in hope Thanks again girlies enjoying a nice cuppa now. Panic over for today at least. xxx

P.s Bottleblond that is fantastic!!!!!! Go for it xx

10-05-07, 21:24
I'm so very pleased for you hun, that's fantastic news!! I really hope you can relax now and enjoy the peace of mind that your health is good!!

Love n stuff

10-05-07, 21:46
Hi Latic

So pleased your day ended on a positive, hope you can move on now hun!:)


11-05-07, 14:50
Thats great news. Im so glad the results where good. And even getting complimented. Not bad in one day.
Take care hun